cltuch problems


Went out a spin other night in car changed from 3rd to 2nd clutch pedal didn't come back up though it was my master cylinder turns out that the seal on slave had gone. This is the easy part.

The main problem i have is that i got an rps streetmax clutch fitted about 4months ago, i have on several occasions had to adjust the pedal from under dash but before cylinder went the rod to master cylinder was fully extended could the rod being fully extended cause to much pressure the the slave to handle and does it sound like clutch fork is bending under the load of this clutch.


abyss said:
Went out a spin other night in car changed from 3rd to 2nd clutch pedal didn't come back up though it was my master cylinder turns out that the seal on slave had gone. This is the easy part.

The main problem i have is that i got an rps streetmax clutch fitted about 4months ago, i have on several occasions had to adjust the pedal from under dash but before cylinder went the rod to master cylinder was fully extended could the rod being fully extended cause to much pressure the the slave to handle and does it sound like clutch fork is bending under the load of this clutch.
its the load induced pressure caused by the sh1t rps clutch that causes seals to go
adjusting rod will never increase pressure just dissplacment


New Member
RPS clutches suck monkey nuts big time, are they not just a standard disc with the heaviest pressure plate possible?? I had one in my last R and had nothing but problems with it!


gunmetalgtir said:
RPS clutches suck monkey nuts big time, are they not just a standard disc with the heaviest pressure plate possible?? I had one in my last R and had nothing but problems with it!
they have extra finger behind main finger of cover :der: had a demo one on my evo and it broke the clutch fork within a week was so heavy you couldnt hold clutch down for long
lucky i never paid for it :lol:

fubar andy

Moderator & N/W Rep
Staff member
gunmetalgtir said:
RPS clutches suck monkey nuts big time, are they not just a standard disc with the heaviest pressure plate possible?? I had one in my last R and had nothing but problems with it!
I've had my box out 3 times because it’s punctured the release fork; I ended up buying a new fork and welding a plate over the dome point to increase its strength - so far so good

I recommend if anyone has a RPS and is replacing their release fork to weld a plate over it to increase its strengh.


is it possible to get a custom release fork mate like the nissan one only from a stronger material. If not this clutch will be going in bin and al be buying a helix or another make
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