

New Member
ok this is doing my brain in now,

I have a clonking noise comming from the passenger side front of my car.
It mostly happens when going over bumps while turning.
So far i've changed the cv joint, lower bottom ball joint and track rod end.
Whats else can it be?


Staff member
I'd guess the top mount; it sounds like you're saying it only makes the noise when you compress the suspension whilst there is a moment load (is that the right term; it's not lateral) on the strut.

As Danny has suggested; there's a whole string of other possibilities related to the anti-roll bar.


New Member
Ok so i found out what the clonking is, its the bottom ball joint.
Thought i'd have a go today at taking the whole lot apart and cleaning it up ready for a new knuckle on Monday.
Sigh, wish i hadn't now :(
After taking a perfectly good wishbone off from the other side and fitting it again i managed to snap the bottom ball joint.
So now i need 2.
Is there a knack to doing that nut up on the bottom ball joint?

Anyway i'm buggered now so i'll have to get hold of Bob tomorow and hope he can sort me a couple of ball joints and fit them into my wishbones.
I may even get him to attach the hubs to the wishbones so all i need to do is bolt it up.


Well-Known Member
Don't take this the wrong way but are you sure you know what your doing as the consequences of getting suspension work wrong could be pretty bad....


New Member
I have changed most suspension components before but never a bottom balljoint or on a pulsar.
Anyway i know when to seek out help so it will be fine.
I just like to give things a shot first. Sometimes it goes fine other times it goes pear shape.

vss irvine

Well-Known Member
It mustve been fucked if you managed to snap it. Check the hub isnt worn if the balljoint has been rattling about.