Clear side repeater problem



I just got my clear side repeaters and bulbs through in the post.

However when I come to fit them the bulb holder doesnt fit?
This is because the bulb holder on my R has 3 'teeth' to slot into place and then twist, while the actual repeater itself only has holes for 2 teeth

Has anyone else found this problem?


Fast Guy

Staff member
I have seen a mod somewhere, I assume it was for this problem. You need to get a sharp knife and modify it to fit. :shock:


I had a feeling it might come down to that :wink:

While we are at it, how the heck do you get the front repeaters out?!

All I can find it one screw and after undoing that it seems just as solid as before


TAKEN FROM RAYS SITE..............

Details of modification required to fit repeaters directly to GTI-R.
These instructions refer to the pictures on the page
"Index" refers to the filename of each individual picture.
ClearA.jpg - package details - front
ClearB.jpg - package details - rear (includes product codes if ordering from
Demon Tweeks
ClearC.jpg - Make a Mask
Note: the new lens shares only one slot (marked "Common" in the picture) with the old lens. The new lens must have two new slots cut into it. Here's how -
1) make a Mask part 1 : cut a piece of stiff paper into a circle (a close fit is best, oversize - not a perfect fit - it helps keep the mask in place later
2) make a Mask part 2 : press the mask into the "Old" lens and use a pin to trace the shape of the slots.
3) make a Mask part 3 : use a pair of scissors to cut out the shape of the slots in the mask
ClearD.jpg - Finished mask pressed into the old lens, showing a perfect fit :)
ClearE.jpg - Put the mask into the new lens. Match up the Common slot and mark the two new slots with a permanent pen.
ClearF.jpg - Two new slots cut into the new lens. The slots were cut using a cheap modelling knife with a very sharp blade - cutting is easy with a blade this shape (see photo). The new lens is made of very soft plastic - total time to do both lenses was 30 minutes including making the mask. It fitted first time!

Other notes
The new lenses were very expensive (GBP25 per pair).
Although the package says "Custom Crafted ..." the rubber surround is poorly glued to the lens, given how much they cost.
Also given the cost I would not expect to have to modify the lenses given that the reverse of the package says that it is for a GTI-R.



Quality, took me 15 minutes!

Didnt bother with the mould, I just stuck em side by side and winged it.

Now just gotta figure out them fronts!


smash the front orange caps from the inside through the hole where the bulb goes and tip the fragments out...............

using a pair of needlenose pliers helps ;)


I used the hot water trick mentioned elsewhere to do the fronts.

Quite pleased with the results apart from the cracked rear cluster I broke... ooops! :oops:


i know someone with some rays and a hks frontmount and a white datsun that did the same.......................which ic why i thought the method i mentioned was safer :oops:

Glad u r pleased tho definately worth the effort 8)


I just used a lighter and a screwdriver. Check to see wich one of the smaller 2 do not fit in, no matter how you turn it. Then get a lighter out and heat just that particular part, then immediately get the screwdriver to scrape some of the plastic of while its hot. Continue this proces untill it fits (so try after every attempt!) mine fitted perfectly this way.


Stoned said:
I just got my clear side repeaters and bulbs through in the post.

However when I come to fit them the bulb holder doesnt fit?
This is because the bulb holder on my R has 3 'teeth' to slot into place and then twist, while the actual repeater itself only has holes for 2 teeth

Has anyone else found this problem?

I just dremel'd mine...v easy and v quick...

Used a drill to put a line of holes in the orange cap in the front, then snapped them with tin snips - looks about 10 years younger :D
