Clear side markers


Ya jay there the ones ;) now your stripping i thought id jog your memory
pm your way
cheers empty pockets if i cant find someI'll have a look mate

Empty Pockets

New Member
They used to be 15quid a set but expect they've gone up a little now, just be warned if you're buying a used set, they do discolor over time, and the rubber seals seem to green up quite easily, for what they cost and what you'd save buying used, it's a no brainer imo.


Got a set and there seals are shot... And lens fell off so will look into new and old as long as price is good :)
Got a set and there seals are shot... And lens fell off so will look into new and old as long as price is good :)
I managed to get a set of clear repeaters for a fiver a few weeks ago (no good for you) but just saying there are some good sets cheap still out there!