cleaning injestors??

Gaz gtiR

New Member
i hav a little misfire on my R whe crusing at a constent speed eg 30 to 40 mph... now when i set my (apexi safc ) controller to injector pulse there is a slight jump in the on screen graph?? so im guessig its a blocked injector thats causing the misfire? :roll: any advise on the best way to clean injectors anyone?? :? :)


Staff member
Get it done professionally?

If you want to do it yourself, you can try flushing them through with a bit of acetone. - That's pretty good at dissolving-up gunk.


Ive noticed through my safc/neo that when im at very light throttle it flickers between no reading and the first digit on the scale.

Does your car start to hesitate after a while of constant slight throttle ,Mine does .

I think the tps is on its way out .

Gaz gtiR

New Member
projectgtir. i cudnt of put it any better my self. how much am i looking at to get them profesionaly done?? :)


Active Member
Between 10-15 pound an injector.Search "ASNU(I think) sonic cleaning" in your area or check ebay as some on there do it too.