Circle Earth kits

Fast Guy

Staff member
I've seen them mentioned for other cars, but it's something that I've never seen mentioned for our cars?
Has any anyone done this upgrade? Is it worth it? I'd have thought it would be given the age of our cars now?!?


very worth can make one yourself to alot less than what they charge for them.

Ground the following and you should be good to go

Intake manifold
re-enforce any factory grounds you can see


sorry to sound completly dense, but what would the benifits of this kit be?

(i know i sound thick but if you don`t ask, you don`t find out.)

Fast Guy

Staff member
1000ny said:
sorry to sound completly dense, but what would the benifits of this kit be?
Don't worry I don't know much about them myself :oops: . I gather they provide a better ground (earth) for the electrical system and increase voltage slightly as a result and can also give you a smoother idle, and increase low/mid range power/torque slightly.

Fusion Ed

Active Member
So pointless.

Yet another ecotek type bodge for a car.

Do people not know that ECU's are supposed to have ONE SINGLE point of ground not a spiders web of them.. Having loads of differnet grounds can cause ground loops that cause more harm than good (hums in car stereos are a fine example)...

Fast Guy

Staff member
Micra_Ed said:
So pointless.

Yet another ecotek type bodge for a car.

Do people not know that ECU's are supposed to have ONE SINGLE point of ground not a spiders web of them.. Having loads of differnet grounds can cause ground loops that cause more harm than good (hums in car stereos are a fine example)...

Errr, maybe........but just how many earth points are there on the car? quite a few I bet :wink:


most jap cars have bad earths from factory for instance my skyline was tiptronic and wud go into neutral wen i was driving along and sumtimes wudnt change gear ect ect till i made sum new earths up and she was fine

they must do summin as the company that sells that crappy kit lists for most of the performance jap cars?


Micra_Ed said:
So pointless.

Yet another ecotek yype bodge for a car.

Do people not know that ECU's are supposed to have ONE SINGLE point of ground not a spiders web of them.. Having loads of differnet grounds can cause ground loops that cause more harm than good (hums in car stereos are a fine example)...
You obvioulsy have missed the point.

The purpose of these kits are to piggy back all the grounds or run individual wires for wach sensor/grounding point to a single grounding point. This removes some of the resistance in the grounds by using better quality and thicker wire. The factory grounds gain resisitance over time. The factory provides multiple grounding points to the chassis so i guess they are absoultely pointless.

The purpose of these i will explain again (as i have done in the past)

All voltages being theoretical.

Your Tps sensor puts out 5v @ wide open throttle but with the resistance in the ground the ECU is only seeing a 4.5v signal from the TPS...the ecu provides the maps accordingly, when you think you are at full throttle you iwll actually be running 90-95% throttle instead of 100%.

It the same principle with your other sensors, they are able to provide the ecu with more precise voltages/readings.

Not another ecotec :roll:

Fusion Ed

Active Member
he purpose of these kits are to piggy back all the grounds or run individual wires for wach sensor/grounding point to a single grounding point.
Do you honestly believe that you need massive what looks like 8awg cable to do this?

The factory grounds gain resisitance over time.
If this is the case these should be delt with properly not bodged by thick pretty cables that somone charges a fortune for.

Your Tps sensor puts out 5v @ wide open throttle but with the resistance in the ground the ECU is only seeing a 4.5v signal from the TPS...the ecu provides the maps accordingly, when you think you are at full throttle you iwll actually be running 90-95% throttle instead of 100%.
For this to be possible the resistance of the cable from the TPS would have to be very very high. The input impedence to the A/D converter would be such that even if you stuck a 1K ohm resistor on the TPS you would not notice much if any difference in sampled TPS throttle value.

It the same principle with your other sensors, they are able to provide the ecu with more precise voltages/readings.
As I said for there to be any gains, the resistance of the current cables would be such that they would have to be virtually broken. These kits are a complete over kill and are totally un-necessary. Its simply a pretty looking product you can charge alot for because its impossible to prove any gains, unless what is there already is in a REALLY bad state. The best way is to check all the oem grounds are fine, not by bolting un necessary wires all over the engine bay that will do nothing to help at all.

Still if you want to spend X amount on these wires when if you had any problems a couple of quid would fix anyway be my guest :)


Well I just got one of these off ebay for the grans sum of $7.88 :p .



i failed to mention its not just just the cables...its mainly the connection points. The usually are rusted and waht not.

The larger the wire the less resistance. I do agree that anything larger than 10-8gauge wire is excessive.

I am a firm believer in these because they work. You cannot show me a dyno run where these have not made a difference when done properly.

And as i stated in my examples all numbers are theoretial....if you wish to use a multimeter to find out the exact numbers that is up to you. I was exaggerating the values on purpose for people to grasp the concept of doing this.

I also did say you could do the same thing for alot cheaper :wink:

who is going to spend 66 quid on something you can do yourself for 20 or less?

You wont get 20hp or anything but around 2-3...usually the torque gain is more ive seen up to 8ftlbs but that will vary from car and kit.

Allan GTI-R

thankyou to those who said they work - i feel better now after paying $250 aussie dollars for the HKS kit :D

now all i need to is install it :D


Allan GTI-R said:
thankyou to those who said they work - i feel better now after paying $250 aussie dollars for the HKS kit :D

now all i need to is install it :D
you should still feel couldve done it for half that but you wouldnt get the pretty HKS logo :cry:

Allan GTI-R

so much easier buying a kit than doing it myself - i work in an office, no requirement for me to get my hands dirty :p


thats the benefit i guess 8) i like getting my hands dirty so DIY is the way for me :lol:


Active Member
I've just made one for my R for less than £20 and it took about 2 hours :D I'd put money on that mine is better quality than most if not all of the others you can buy :lol:

I'll try to do some tests and post them, so we will know how effective they are either way.