Cat Replacement



Chaps and Chapesses,

Just done a search and I just have a query. Bought my 'R' about 5 months ago. It has a standard exhaust but a Scorpion back box. I've been considering removing the cat. Ideally I want to put a full system on the car but dont really have the cash at the mo!!

Firstly does anyone know who supplies cat replacement pipes on the standard system? Secondly, the existing cat I would assume has various heat sensors attached, do these fit onto the replacement pipe or are these now obsolete? If this is the case then is it possible to remove the cat, replace with stainless tubing? If so, what do I do with the sensors??

Cheers. :wink:

andy n

i think any cat replacement pipe will fit straight in. some have a hole for the sensor, some dont, often the sensor ends up siezed into the cat, but its not a problem cos all the sensor is for is for cat temp for a warning light and it doesnt actually affect the ecu. you can just cut the sensor off and then unplug the wires from under the drivers seat.


Active Member
Most replacements will have a 'plug' that you can remove the sensor from the original pipe and plug it into the decat. When I fitted my new system the bolt which holds the sensor in had sheared, meaning I couldn't take the sensor out. I ended up just chopping it off - the car doesn't need it. As long as you seal the end up of the wire properly, you shouldn't have a problem - allegedly you can just push it back inside the car, but I didn't.

BUT I don't know of any decats that work with a standard system, mostly because I don't know the size of the standard piping, most of the replacements are 2.5inch, some 3 inch.

Hope this helps.


andy n

given that you can bolt a mongoose cat back system onto a std downpipe and cat or a decat system onto the std frontpipe then the holes will match up on both ends of the decat pipe to a std system. yes the bore will be slightly wider but it should be fine i think. the other option is to smash the core out of your cat and then it will fit fine and flow freely.