carnt get the sump off!


New Member
can't get the sump off!

Can anyone help? Trying to get the oil pump off and carnt seem to loosen the sump from the gearbox side. All obvious bolts are out.
Would there any bolts on the gearbox holding it in? Is there a special nack to get the sump off.

Regards stuart
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If all the bolts are out then it will still be hard to get off, It has sealant on it which is like super glue lol lol.

Give it a few sharp taps with a rubber mallet.



New Member
Yep, removed all bolts from underneath. Ive hammered, bashed and prised it open using screwdrivers right up to the gearbox. Its solid!
So theres nothing that holds it on the gearbox side then?


Staff member
It will be the 2 x 10mm nuts on studs that are hiding in he red circle in the pic


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Fast Guy

Staff member
Look on the end of the gearbox. There's a small cover, inside are 2 10mm nuts that need undoing. I think Ginga said if you forget these, the resulting damage is an engine out job:yuck:

That's assuming you have all the other bolts out. I think there's a couple inside the ally sump as well.


like fast guy said theres a few 10mm bolts inside the sump but cant remeber which side

what are you trying to do with the engine


New Member
Im taking the oil pump off! Ive taking the bolts off inside the sump on the oil pump side, that sides more or less off! Its just around the gearbox that im having trouble with. do you mean that theres more bolts behind the flywheel cover?

Fast Guy

Staff member
On the sump side of the flywheel cover, there's a cover maybe 3" big if that. I can't remember if it's in the sump or not, (was a while ago) but take this small cover off and inside there's 2 10mm nuts to undo.

Fast Guy

Staff member
Just checked the manual, it's dead centre on that face so you can't miss it.

You then need to take the two engine to transaxle bolts (ones on the same face as this small plate) and refit them into the vacant holes in the sump and tighten them to release the sump from the block.