Car wont start


Dirty Harry

I have had my Pulsar for a year now with no probs, lovin it. It is totally standard and has a Toad alarm imobiliser fitted. The other day however went to start it and nothing Ignotion lights comes on, but when you turn the key to start nothing, not even a click of the pre ingage solenoid, all you get is a faint wering sound which I think maybe the fuel pump. Plenty of power in battery and will start when you bump start it. I have noticed when you turn key to start a light comes on the dash (which I have been told is the Turbo overheat light). This only comes on when I turn the key to Start, it does not come on when I get the car running by bump starting it, and the turbo obviously is'nt overheating as the engine is cold. Any ideas?
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Fast Guy

Staff member
That light will be the cat temp light, it's normal so don't worry.
Try checking none of the wires to the starter motor have fallen off or broken off.
Failing that maybe the solenoid is siezed up?

Dirty Harry

Fast Guy said:
That light will be the cat temp light, it's normal so don't worry.
Try checking none of the wires to the starter motor have fallen off or broken off.
Failing that maybe the solenoid is siezed up?
This is going to sound really silly but were is the starter motor. I think it may be under the intake manifold as I have looked everwhere else, but do not want to spend a couple of hours taking the intake manifold out ,only to find it is not there. Can anybody tell me if this is the best way to get to the starter motor without getting a gynaecolagist involved.
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Fast Guy

Staff member
Don't ask me I've never found it :lol:

Yes, it's under the inlet/plenum somewhere, happy hunting :bolt:

Dooie Pop Pop

New Member
you can touch it from the gearbox side and if you have all the brackets on the back of your engine your gonna find it a cow of a job with the engine still in the car.


yes its at the back of the engine a real swine to get to i tried it but because of all the black brackets on the back that go upto the plenuim its a askward job i got pi**ed of after a hour and decided to drop the engine out much easyer