Car Stolen


New Member
Ok, my car was stolen last night

not impressed

I dont know if il get it back or what state il get it back in

second attempt was successful it seems


Active Member
Give us some more pictures of it because, for example, I don't have a facebook account :(

Anyway....sorry to hear that!!!


New Member
I would mate but im absolutely useless with posting pictures on this! And i dont want to post something too big etc.

I just want it to be on here so as so if the lowlife who stole it ever decides to resell it then it might light up.

vss irvine

Well-Known Member
where was it stolen from? so that people from that area can keep an eye out?

you should post on the modifiers site aswell.


Active Member
I have on mine a trackback everybody should have one installed.

In my country a gps tracking device costs around 200 pounds and something like 10 pounds per month.

I am really sorry to hear that....did you have insurance or something???


New Member
Yeah its all insured, it had an alarm on it but somehow they have managed to get past all of this!

il keep post of what the police tell me as its now recorded.


Active Member
Sorry to hear this, my house got trashed as thieves tried to get the keys to my evo 6, luckily they didnt find the keys. But its still bad knowing they tried, hope it turns up nice and safe.


New Member
Robbin wankers they don't realise what it puts people through jus so they can have a laugh hope you get it back mate


unlucky pal, its my worst fear my car being nicked we all put so much work into them...
thieving little cu*ts


Active Member
Sorry to hear it mate, spread the word as much as you can - they're rare cars, I'm sure it'll make an appearance in one way or another.


New Member
The only mark on the car is a dent above the drivers wheel on the front wing where i was reversed into at work. apart from that its totally standard minus schneider alloy wheels. Absolutely gutted, ive been sitting all day imagining what they have been doing to it. I dont know if i could drive it agian if i even did get it back. I loved my pulsar, total kick in the balls to say the least. Im from the edinburgh area, but supposedly its been linked to the east scottish borders now. i think its gone newcastle way. will be interesting phoning my insurance tommorrow to see what bullshit they can come up with to try and get out of paying out and what miniscule figure they come up with even if they do decide to pay out, id have to establish if it would be worth losing my 4 years no claims for the amount.