caR pulls right! - Then left!!


Active Member
Got a 'slight' issue with my caR not being able to drive in a straight bloody line! I've just had some second hand KYB's put on, and now the car is a lot lower than originally. Car will pull to the right, with varying degrees of brutality, then, if I take a slow tight left hander, it will pull to the left until I take another right hander. :(

I'm booking it in for the full laser alignment treatment, thinking that the new suspension may have thrown things out, but would they cause this much trouble??

Anybody got any other ideas what could be the cause?

Help appreciated! :thumbsup:


Sounds a bit like some serious tramlining!
You'd be best off checking that nothing's loose as well while you're at it. Someone I know had a garage fit new sus. for him and they didn't tighten one of the drop-link bolts...


New Member
If you lower any car it will throw the tracking out.You will find that its toeing out a few degrees and will eat the inside of your tyres very quickly.

Fast Guy

Staff member
I think it could be down to your tracking being way out. My car handled funny after I put my teins on, until I got the tracking done.


Active Member
markweatherill said:
Tracking will need checking but so will the camber angles.
Yeah, knew it would change. Having had a closer look at the car, it seems to dip slightly at the front compared to the back, and I really need to lift the front end a bit because the splitter scrapes everything including roadkill! Hehe. So, prime opportunity to put on the Tein topmounts, thus lifting the front by a much needed 30mm (?), and get the camber and alignment sorted.

Job done.

Think I need a new actuator as well. :roll: