car pulling to the left


Ive had new wheels put on, balanced and tracking done and still the car pulls to the left,ive also had brake discs changed. Only 2 months ago and my front passenger side has been scarred bad,rubs with horrible grinding noises.So i am gona have to replace them.
what brakes do you guys reccommend, if your pushing 280bhp/271ftlb?
as i had the 20 groove discs. Which i dont think are fab but not bad.
Also what clutch do you people reccomend for my power?
what can i do about the pulling to the left?
help please (new guy)


Active Member
sounds like you,ve got a binding calipher? jack the vehicle and check that the wheel turns freely, all other questions can be answered by looking in the tuning faq.



New Member
Pulling to the left? How bad? mine pulls only slightly, and i have just had it tracked up and new whiteline springs fitted. Ive found alot of cars pull to the left anyhow, i think its just one of those things, but you could check the strut tops, the lower arm bushes, bottom ball joints? its just trial and error mate, best bet is to replace bit by bit, but its bloody expensive. Replace everything, and it still might pull. If it isnt major, i wouldnt worry so much about it, unless u have to wrestle the steering wheel so that it drives in a straight line and is dangerous to drive. Best of luck finding it anyhow mate! im sure a few more peeps on here have other ideas what it may be!



Active Member
Probably a binding caliper. probably :(

The fact u've had new discs and the passenger side is scored then that's ur best bet. Jack it up and make sure your caliper moves freely on it's pins. Check the seals are intact. Strip it down and clean the pins with a wire brush on a drill. Lube the pins with copper slip (sopper grease).

Otherwise it could be the brake piston itself not retracting. This would be due to corrosion on the piston itself - which you can see and can clean up with Scotchbrite or really fine metal wool or the seals have detiorated (age) or they've swollen... someone's poured in DOT 5.0 (not 5.1) fluid.

Jacking up the front and turning wheels can be indicative but it's a little trickier cos of the 4WD.

GeeTee 8)


Road camber can make cars pull to the left, try driving down the middle of a road (private obviously :wink: ) and see if its any different, apart from that exactly what the other guys say.

The AP clutches are popular, helix aswell, im using an uprated HKS cover with the standard friction plate from Hiteq and thats been fine, im running 280 aswell


My problems with the car pulling to the left/right has been tyres.. it only took me about 4 years to realise :lol: :lol:
Had experienced specialist suspension people tell me it's my diff but have found whenever i change my tyres(all four) it goes straight again :wink:
I found trackdays would cause the pull in the steering and put it down to the tyres being unevenly worn (your allways doing right turns on track- clockwise)..


Active Member
It has to be said the R's steering is verry sensitive to tyre wear / compound etc..

Once you get onto 16s' or 17s' on the stock suspension then it will track every slug trail on the road.

But Mohsan - u say u had your discs changed 2 months ago and they're scored again now... then u need to sort out your caliper carriers or your calipers. end of!

Cheers GeeTee



Nick at powerstation who has 4 wheel aligned 100's of gtir's told me that on every gtir he does, when he sets all 4 wheels pointing straight the car will naturally pull left slightly and he says he'd tried to correct it but couldn't do it without then getting uneven tyre wear.
Maybe it has something to do with weight distribution in the engine bay or just old worn bushes, or like somene said the camber of the road will make a difference. Anyway i'd rather have the car turn into the curb on its own that turn into an oncoming vehicle


it was pulling slightly

another thing i didnt understand, i think in result of this i scarrd up my passenger side front disc,i am gona have to buy a new set of discs as they are fuckd.driverside one is still as good as new tho.
20 grroved discs i had. can anyone reccomend anything better apart from any big disc kits! as i havent the big £!
have been told to avoid drilled discs as hair crcks? how true is that?
thought drilled and grooved would be best?



my car is running 1 bar,dynoed 280 bhp,what dics reccomended guys? apart from big disc kit,or is that the only option.
P.S i dont want to die, so need good brakes lol