Car Planet


Well-Known Member
Heard a rumour today that Car Planet is not open.

Has anyone else heard anything?


Staff member
I hadn't... but it wouldn't be the first time.

How long before "RC Planet Racing" starts trading? I'm going to guess 30 days. :lol:

Maybe Mr Chan knows something.


Well-Known Member
I found this on the lancerregister -

Looks likes it is official.

I am sad for the workers and their families but to be honest, not suprised as my car come back from CP with dents and scratches and charged money for products that were not purchased by them.

They say what goes around, comes around and this is a good example of that.


Well-Known Member
Good riddance :lol:

No doubt they've left another load of people out of pocket again. About time there was something in place to stop con men like these starting up again and again.


i say more fool the people that go to these places in the first instance
they deserve to get there asses slapped:roll:,
theyve already gone up the wall once, people are so fickle and have short term memories.

they will open up again as some other mickey mouse company and the irony of it is that people will still go back to them:der::lol:

Gaz gtiR

New Member
I found this on the lancerregister -

Looks likes it is official.
This guy could write a book! would be good. lol. in this write up where hes saying about shipping merc's. max the owner of CPR buys the mercs off my dad as he leases & sells cars to coparate company's & my dads known nothing about this as all he did was sell max the cars & is now in debt to my dad but he'll prob never see his money now. up on showing my dad this link on (lancerregister forum) he's said it all comes together now as mercedies where always whary of max when dealing threw merc direct! so obviusly someone knew about the shipping! Dodgy stuff! :roll:


Staff member
Happy days :lol:
I didn't think it would be long before you commented on this.

I'm serious though; how long before the new company miraculously rises from the ashes and looks after all the people who got shafted by the old one? Car Development Planet Racing?

geoff pine

Well-Known Member
I didn't think it would be long before you commented on this.

I'm serious though; how long before the new company miraculously rises from the ashes and looks after all the people who got shafted by the old one? Car Development Planet Racing?
I got up at 6.30cape coral time as i could not sleep ,to much squid for my evening meal last night .George as a north west member you will know how i slag of rc development because they (MAX) riped me off i I was one who used to sing there praises till the penny dropped it was not a lot of money its the principal that still Gaul's me.I don't have any sympathy for any one that worked for them as some one must have know what was going on after the last rc thing happened.There's a saying if you lie down with dogs you will get fleas .I have no doubt that the three engineers will have no problems finding work or some body fro the mlr going in to business with them .


Staff member
....and three years later it will all go south for them again?

At best there are some employees who have been very naive to get caught twice with the same dodgy practices, at worse they are culpable for allowing this to happen again. - The comments on Pashionford are not nearly as sympathetic or as charitable as the MLR. I think they're probably far enough away from the EVO tuning scene that their views are more reliable.

fubar andy

Moderator & N/W Rep
Staff member

Well if people are still retarded enough to keep using them (under whatever name they decide to use next) you are foolish and naive....

geoff pine

Well-Known Member

Well if people are still retarded enough to keep using them (under whatever name they decide to use next) you are foolish and naive....
They have just gone on holiday and take the accounts with them to work on them ready for H m customs and excise to to give them the all clear .:lol; :lol: :lol:to Carry on trading

Fast Guy

Staff member
Not sure about a promo one, but I think it might be Riffas car your thinking of. I have a feeling his was known as the RC car. I haven't heard of a car planet Gtir.

johnny gtir

Well-Known Member
Not sure who it belonged to but there was a orange one sure it was linked to car planet used to be on there web page possibly 500+ bhp