car cutting top end


Active Member
ive had this problem all the time ive had the car
at 6.6k in 4th and a little lower in 5th (which is 130) when it cuts in 5th i have to wait for the speed to drop to 100 before i get power back again
if i let off just before 130 then go to half throttle it will go higher to like 145
but its really annoying anyone got any ideas if tried clampng the voltage on the maf and emanage but it seems to be something else not quite right

really need this sorting almost thinking of going over to powerfc etc to see if that rids it


I had a similar sort of problem to this on my works astravan so i dunno if this'll help or not. The first diagnosis was the air flow meter, then when that didnt work they discovered a vacuum line had come off. Dunno if this is any help or not but i gave it a go :D


New Member
ignition module ???
loose connection somewhere ???
my trusty favourite diagonsis for everything...Bad earths ???

or it might just be cos its a shed :wink:



the Greddy E-Manage have been known for igniton problems at high revs in the high gears.I would stick to the tried and tested PowerFC if I was you there is plenty people using them as well.If intrested there is still a group buy going on.

Fast Guy

Staff member
Is your's a Pulsar with a delimiter?
Mine does this when the speedo isn't working, if the speedo works, I can redline it in 5th, so I think it's the delimiter not working and the car limiting itself.


New Member
mine does exactly the same ting, it cuts out at 105 in 4th, and 120 in 5th.
The speedo doesnt stop working though :?
Its not like a speed restrictor, cos the car doesnt just stop accelerating, it dies altogether, and wont start going again for a few seconds.
Powerstation said it may be the speedo head, but i would have thought it would have just done it at 1 speed. :?:
Sounds more like it's rev related to me, like whatever it is, cant sustain the high revs for long periods of time.
Could it be the fuel pump? Have you got an uprated one?
Hurry up and get it fixed, so i know what's wrong with mine :wink: :cry:


hmmm a similar thing happens on my new car, Ian said it was down to mapping, but it hapened 6kish in 4th gear but it was more like an ignition cut and overcome itself within a second, but as a conincidence the speedo head is playing up on it so not sure if that's related :?


I had this problem with mine when i first got it, Took it back and they swaped the clocks over with another 1, Its been fine since.


i too had this problem 4 years ago when i first had car, the problem was the !!ECU GETTING NO SPEED READING!!!.

Get it on a Nissan Consult, and check ecu speed reading.

Mine was a fault greddy delimiter, removed now perfect.
