Car covers


South West Regional Rep
Can anyone reccomend an outdoor breathable car cover? Mines is currently off the road and sitting under trees etc and wanted to cover it but all the covers look similar so wanted any advice




Staff member
I got one that was custom made to fit the R', can't remember exactly how much but remember thinking it was very expensive but it really is very good :-D

Pad lockable drawstring round the bottom and taylor made to fit the wing mirrors and rear spoiler. If you look at the page below I choose the Noah.

Give these guys a call



South West Regional Rep
Sent them a request for a quote, thanks for the info :)

Have you had any problems? is teh car kept dry etc?


New Member
is it that mauch of a job getting a good fitting one that ant taylor made, id guess they ant gonna be that cheap- looks top notch though


New Member
i got a breathable one from halfords, it was a bit deer around the£45 mark. i also think its a very good'un aswell. cant remember the make of it but its silver and i got a medium sized one.


Staff member
rayman75 said:
i got a breathable one from halfords, it was a bit deer around the£45 mark. i also think its a very good'un aswell. cant remember the make of it but its silver and i got a medium sized one.
£45 :shock:

The Covercraft was around the £250 mark :lol: :lol:

I must admit I very very rarely use it anymore

keggles2001 said:
is it true that moisture is gathered inside car covers helping them too rust faster
thats why they make them BREATHABLE, the fabric is a bit like spongy goretex, it can breath but water can't pass from the outside in.
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New Member
my new car cover is pretty damn good

Its made of brick, has double glazing, electricity and is unpenetrable as far as the missus is concerned :lol:


Staff member
diesel weasel said:
my new car cover is pretty damn good

Its made of brick, has double glazing, electricity and is unpenetrable as far as the missus is concerned :lol:

I agree those electric, heated brick ones are fcuking marvelous, you can hide all sorts of crap in there without anyone being any wiser ;-)


New Member
stevepudney said:
I agree those electric, heated brick ones are fcuking marvelous, you can hide all sorts of crap in there without anyone being any wiser ;-)


im yet to fully stock mine as currently its being used as a domestic dwelling rebuild rubbish storage unit (no jokes about nothing changing when the yellow heap goes in there please :lol: ) but it has a nice little space at the back that will be converted into a storage/works area whilst the car sits in its own strip lighted, weather tight area...

brick built car covers are indeed a great thing.... ;)

as for the basic spec car covers..had one years ago on my nova...the car went mouldy it was under the thing for so long... :lol: