can't wait!


Active Member
out of winter storage and off to steve ferguson for a new clutch :thumbsup:

looking forward to doing many trouble free miles this summer:lol: ,got trips to the lakes and dales in mind!


so you made your decision then johnsy lol, hes a good bloke is steve and knows these motors inside out!


Active Member
i had a good 12 month run before i blew my box and this is going to be my second clutch lol gotta love it pure violence in a tin even at 1 bar (mong )


New Member
glad to see your sticking with it Dan. God knows mine has nearly gone a few times when i have fallen out with it.

Quick blast soon sorts that tho.

start saving for your next clutch now then when it goes it doesn't matter!! :lol:


Active Member
aye aye shaun, been thinking bout changing it for an R32 GTR ,pulsar was always a stepping stone to an older skybarge but i might keep it this summer put it back in storage over the winter again and see wot the market /demand is like next year,

yours up and running