Cant start, any ideas?

So my long laid up Gtir needs to be moved...

Every few months I start it up, and drive it around the car park a few times to keep it together and all seems fine.

Last moved it 3-4 months ago, and now I can't seem to get it started, thought fuel might have run out,/evaporated since there was very little left, so went out and stuck 5 liters of super unleaded in, and still nothing. I'm using a jump starter, and it just turns over and over but doesnt catch.

Really annoying because I thought this time I'd finally send it over to Ed at fusion motorsport after months of playing phone tag, but unless I can get it started I wont be able to get it out of the car park!

Any thoughts?


Staff member
Take the battery out and see if it's just acting like a capacitive load? - Generally when mine won't start the battery is dead (again).

If the battery is fine, have you got spark?
If the spark is fine, do you have fuel at the rail?
If you've got spark and fuel, it's not flooded by any chance? - When I had the precious metal tipped plugs they were really prone to fouling from flooding the engine; I've never had a problem with copper cores.
Take the battery out and see if it's just acting like a capacitive load? - Generally when mine won't start the battery is dead (again).

If the battery is fine, have you got spark?
If the spark is fine, do you have fuel at the rail?
If you've got spark and fuel, it's not flooded by any chance? - When I had the precious metal tipped plugs they were really prone to fouling from flooding the engine; I've never had a problem with copper cores.
The battery is totally dead, I'm connecting it to a jump starter, once I connect that everything lights up and the engine turns over. I can't imagine its flooded. How do I check if I've got spark though?


Staff member
Maybe the voltage drop when turning the starter means the ECU doesn't get any power.

I'd check the spark by taking one of the leads off and seeing if it will spark to the block when you turn it over.

Dangerous Dave

Active Member
Can you hear the pump? What make of alarm is it?

Alarms only need need to stop 1 thing from working to prevent the car from starting.

Look ok for a spark if there's a spark take the fuel line off put the end in to a bottle and turn it over to see if you are getting fuel


Spark plug tips and dizzy cover? I had problems starting a pulsar the other day and these 2 were the issue. Dizzy cap had worn, and also the tips of the spark plugs