Can someone measure something for me ? ( electronics )



Can someone measure a standard maf and tell me what the impedance is of the signal pin with the ignition off ? and also what the impedance is on the plug side ( the ecu impedance ).

Cheers, haven't got a maf handy at the moment.


I'm pretty sure its one of the outer pins, I think the wire is orange ( not orange/blue, just orange )
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lol 8)

Put the black lead on earth and the red lead on the signal wire and measure the resistance :D

I also need the resistance of the 'loom' ( ecu ) but that would involve unplugging your current afm and you've went to a lot of trouble already :(

Cheers Stu

Dooie Pop Pop

New Member
:doh: :doh: :doh: and quadruple :doh:

ok per my pm:lol: we have pins B, C and D thats left to right:-D and what unit do i measure the resistance with?

i can do DCV, ACV, DCA, OHM AND BATT 9V... i' ll assume smallest unit of measurement.

sorry mate its dark and iv just got home from work:oops:

iv got two standard mafs...i' ll post both the buggers to you if needed:lol:

sorry to mess you around but i could only get a reading with DCV @ 200m and 200 ohm' s and its not in the slightest bit consistent either:oops:

i could meet you half way lol.
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Staff member
Ross, I'll have a go at this tonight as I am now thinking the PFC problem is MAF related in some way shape or form.

I'll do it for a Z32 MAF too as that is what I will be running.



Cheers Jim, by the time Dooie works out how to switch his meter on I'll be home and able to measure it myself :lol: P.s Stu, do I still get to bang your missus ??

I'm not sure what the pin allocations are for a standard MAF ( B,C, D etc ). I'll do a sticky soon with the pinouts for the standard and the Z32 and Q45 along with typical resistance values of the AFM & loom, so people can use it to check if theirs is duff.

From what I can remember Stu, there is a white, orange and orange/blue wire. I need the resistance measured between the white and the orange wires ( Ohms range on the meter ). As above, I'm not sure what letters they correspond to on the connector but I'm sure the white one ( earth ) is the centre one so that will be 'C' ?
No problem if no-one can do it, I'll be home on Friday night anyway.




Staff member
I can have a go at that tonight. My only reservation would be using mine in a sticky without confirmation as I am the one with a PFC ccompatibility issue ;-)

Dooie Pop Pop

New Member
Ross: 03.8 on one maf and 03.9 on the other, measured using the 200k unit thingy. if you had said ohms in the first place:D and yup you guessed it im not trained in the black arts of the multimeter:cry: at least i bothered to try and help you' ll get to drive my R before you get to shag my missus btw :D:D:D

TonyTurbo: a=90mm, b=100mm and c 'inlet'=about 78mm

the outlet of a standard maf(opposite side) is 60mm;-)

HOPE this helps lol
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Cheers Stu 8)

Dooie Pop Pop said:
you' ll get to drive my R before you get to shag my missus btw :D:D:D
Excellent, tell her to drive it down to mine and kill two birds with one stone :thumbsup:

Dooie Pop Pop

New Member
AJ4 said:
Cheers Stu 8)

Excellent, tell her to drive it down to mine and kill two birds with one stone :thumbsup:
LOL! whats wrong with your missus then?:lol: last time i saw her she seemed really enthusiastic to please:? :-D


14 weeks preggers at the mo, and I have some bizarre morbid fear of my **** getting grabbed by a tiny hand... ( not unless its attached to a child already outside the womb ;) )

Dooie Pop Pop

New Member
AJ4 said:
14 weeks preggers at the mo, and I have some bizarre morbid fear of my **** getting grabbed by a tiny hand... ( not unless its attached to a child already outside the womb ;) )
you know what? id worry about exactly the same thing:lol: dont deny her her needs though.....i didn' t;-) i have some ginger in me blood btw so if it comes out carrot:lol: you wont know the truth till he/she gets over 5ft5inch' s and then you' ll know for sure :lol:

hope it all goes well for you both:D my 4x4 whale tail driving mates is due Aug 28th...6 days early and iv got a nice birthday pressie8) :thumbsup:
