Buy Cheap or Pay more?



Hi Guys (and Gals)!

I used to be a member on this site a few years back when I got my first car, 1.4 Nissan Sunny L – naturally at 18 I wanted to hang with you grown ups and pretend the mighty 1.4 was a match for performance…oh how I’ve grown up!

Anyway I am now old enough to insure a full blown Pulsar and naturally came straight back here.

My problem is this car is going to be a project (aren’t they all?) – I’ll be buying just after Christmas and can’t decide if I should spend around 2.5K on a basic one in need of work (which I love to do) or should I spend more on a better base car?

I plan on changing everything that is changeable eventually so I think it would be stupid to buy a mint example to rip it apart – but I’m not sure…what are people thoughts? – I understand the bodywork will be better on a more expensive one but I don’t mind if it’s a bit tatty as I have friends who are body workers and it will cost nothing to get their help.




Active Member
how far are u gonna push the car?
a good example will be a good base car .
if u buy a "dog" and push the car to it limits u will find more things will brake :shock: .
but then again it depends on how much u picked it up for 8)


New Member
I think you answered your own question there, just buy a highly tuned sh1tter!

You can then rip the body work apart and fix it for free, but the moneypit which is the engine / handling side of it has already been taken care of by some other mug, cos you don't get back what you put in :(


New Member
paz said:
OZ-'R'acing said:
I think you answered your own question there, just buy a highly tuned sh1tter!
Is dooie's car for sale though? :lol: ;)

Now look what you've gone and done :evil:

I didn't want to upset the poor old boy by naming names, he would have known I was referring to his bucket of p1ss :wink:

Dooie Pop Pop

New Member
:( :( :( :cry: i cant deny it :( its a shitbox alright :cry:

BUT! iv already promised myself (again) im not gonna do any more tuning under the bonnet (after its next remap) until iv sorted the rest of the car :roll: was thinking about following the path of the 'weasel' but i really dont think i could put up with it being off the road for 2yrs :(


Ha Ha – cheers guys, I’ve missed this place!

Yeah I think I want a pig dog to make my own…after all its like Lego – the funs in the building (and rebuilding etc etc)

I know it’ll be a money pit but that’s the name of the game…All fun things cost.

Well I’ll sort out my paid membership and buy a car and see you all in january!
