Brolly fundementals!

:D Hi, anybody got a close up picture of the brolly flap in closed position?!

:? Need to find out which way round the little springs are meant to go, as i just got a replacement in bits and my original ones are missing... Are the springs meant to spring the flap closed or open?

While i'm at it, is the brolly meant to pop the flap open when you push the yellow catch, or just sit in there til you push it in?


Jon Olds

Well-Known Member
You got it then?

Hope its what you were expectin..
I owe you 1.20 in overestimated postage
:D Hi Jon. Yeah, it's fine thankyou! like i say, i'm just trying to work out how it's supposed to function... Don't suppose you know then!

buy me a beer with the cash if we meet up any time. :wink:

Jon Olds

Well-Known Member

The little catch just opens with your thumbnail. I found a not very pretty red brolley in there. Your on, my shout for an ale, if and when we meet.

:D Sussed it, thanks. Christ what a f**king pain in the a**e it is getting the spring ends in the holes... mumblemumblegrumble...