Broke down last night


New Member
So after waiting 4 hours for a tow truck to get me home, I barely made it into work this morning because I over slept, but anyway. :yawn:

Last night the car cut out a few miles from home, it will start with a little persuasion but after 10 seconds of running lumpy it will die, left it for a bit and quickly started the car and drove off but after about 100 yards the car will completely cut out again, couldn’t see anything obvious under the bonnet that could be at fault, for about 2 weeks the car had been missing badly at high revs but drove and started ok otherwise, I was in the process of investigating the problem, parts that have been changed so far are plugs and HT leads.

One thing I can say is the car was running 1 bar of boost and was badly missing at high revs, took the boost controller off and the car had been running a lot better but just before the breakdown last night it started doing exactly the same.

Anyone have any ideas of the fault and experienced this before? Car is standard spec.


New Member
has it got an aftermarket fuel pump or standard? Problem could well be related to the pump.
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New Member
Dont even know where the pump is...near the tank? how would i tell if its standard or not? and wouldnt the pump just stop working completly rather than gradually breaking down!


its in the tank, lift it out and take a look at it. If its too small for the holder its probably uprated.


New Member
badly installed after market pumps can come loose in the tank, causing the wires to split, or nearly split.


New Member
pump can start mucking about by running ok, then jerking about, cutting out, starting a few mins later and being fine for a while. this happened in my old rover turbo. lasted about 2 weeks from when it was playing up until it died. at first it was a minor missfire which made me think it was the plugs, so i changed them and was fine for a few days, then it played up and died about 10 days later!


New Member
ok changed the dizzy and rotor and the car started, but was still running lumpy i noticed that the HT lead from the coil to the dizzy was arcing across, can i just buy another single lead rather than buy the whole set again?


New Member
Fixed it woohooo! went back to the shop i bought the leads from and they just gave me the one lead, runs perfect again, thanks for everyone that replyed.