boxer piggyback ecu


New Member
is it with an external switch written boxer on it. If so it might be a Field ECU like i have. There was a recent post about it.


what do you mean by external switch? when i opened it up it had another part with the 2x boxer feild chips on them i plug it into my car tonight and it's like the car is running a lot smoother hope it's ok for it.


New Member
Some aftermarket ECU's like i have, have an external switch to switch between different maps.

Make sure you run high octane fuel when using this ECU.


New Member
thanks i run the car only on optmax 99 i dont have the external switch did you buy yours?
The wire feeding the switch is integrated in the ECU. I don't think you can simply install one unless the daughter board isn't made for it. Mine came like this from Field


car is running a lot better with this ecu in i had a gizzmo one and i thought that was good for sale if anybody is wanting it.