bov,not enough pressure?


New Member
ok i ve fitted a new bov(sheepdog) today and after a bit of jiggery pokery (tightening and untightening the spring) im still not getting any sort of noise from under the bonnet.ive had a friend look into the bov and we can see the bov opening and closing when reving at standstill,so we know that the bov is theory is that where my bov is mounted,on part of the frount mount intercooler run ,there is not enough pressure to work the bov hard enough(ive also tried it at 1.2bar)!?has anyone else had this problem?i did have a bailey dv on before which could be heard at higher revs and i simply swapped one for the other so it is connected up alright.also is it possible to move the location of where the bov is connected and block off the hole in the FMIC pipe?


I had the sheep dog BOV before my HKS SSQV but I sold it as it was really quiet no matter how I adjusted it.

A few people on this forum say the Sheep Dog BOv is really good but not in my PERSONAL opinion!!!


New Member
Mine was fitted with a sheepdog valve when I bought it and the piston was worn out so in the bin it went :(


New Member
pressurise it from the plenum side, put some oil or liquid around the valve
exit hole/trumpet and see if there are lots of bubbles escaping from the piston we used a radiator pressure tester most garages have one :wink: