booster to optimax



has any one added octane booster to shell optimax yet
does this make it 100 octane

reason is im trying to stop det sensor cutting in
and am thinking as that all our imports ran on
100 octane in yapan

it makes common sense that they will all need timing retarding
or to simulate there fuel octane

plz reply to this Q people as it seriously overlooked


New Member
Had my timing adjusted slightly when i got the car, something alot of people dont seem to bother with.

si.c R

I have used alot of different octane boosters since buying my car as mine too being an import cuts back the boost as i havent had the timing retardedyet. Most of the octane boosters didnt seem to make a huge difference. The best one was NF octane boost that made a very noticable increase in performance. :D



thanks ill try some
i put stp octane booster in today
but the car still feels the same

strange thing im noticing it pulls harder whilst cornering?
y is this

si.c R

can be quite tricky to get hold of NF octane booster. I used to get it from Scooby scene but they dont stock it anymore.


Did you know that if you add octane booster rated at ' 1 Octane point ' to 97 Octane fuel, it will make it 97.1 and not 98..... To make 98 from 97 you would need gallons of the stuff.... :wink:


I use pro boost octaine booster with optimax and it seems fine!!!!

dont really notice any added performance but it cleans and must do sumthing!!!!!!!



Tony said:
but it cleans and must do sumthing!!!!!!!quote]

Yeah, makes you poorer... :D

Take optimax for example, guaranteed to leave the REFINERY at 98 Ron, by the time it gets to the pump you'll be lucky if it is over 97. A couple of weeks in your car and its degraded to 95 Ron or less. And then you add an octane booster that takes it back up to 95.1 Ron ? And your suprised that nobody can tell the difference ? :D

You'd be much better off just filling you car up every couple of days with fresh fuel, much cheaper and much better performance.

Sorry, don't mean to diss anyone, but I'm not a big fan of octane booster and there seems to be a general myth that it acts like rocket fuel or something and gives you loads of performance ! :roll: :D :D


It's worth baring in mind that fuel will still degrade in Japan, just as it does here.

Please correct me if I'm wrong, but in Japan 100 octane fuel is not the only fuel you can get I'm sure, therefore the standard cars would come out of the factory to run the lowest grade fuel. Obviously the manufacturer would reccomend running higher octane fuel, but they would have an ECU map on the safe side of caution I'm sure. If there is lower grade fuel in Japan (which I'm sure there must be) then the manufacturers would have this in mind (esp with warranties etc).

Also most Japanese ecu's have a learning ecu which will adapt parameters (such as retarding timing) dependant on fuel quality.

Trouble in this country is when you get a fresh import running non std ecu (ie one without self learning) which is mapped for 100 octane fuel.


Personally I wouldn't run my R on anything other than optimax.... I do notice a big difference when runnin wivout Shells no1. Lumpy, flames, BIG dets........ but anyway......

Getting back to the original problem of det sensor trippin.... I was getting the same problem, tried several things Octane boost, timing checks, sensor fault codes. None of these made much of a difference although I did seem to get a few more miles to my tank running millers Octane boost but generally it did very little for the running quality of the engine or the det failures.

However after a rollin road run at PTS they discovered that my car was running lean...... After a bit of further investigation this looks like it could be the cause of the det sensor failure..... Boosting is fine as the fuel air mixture is good but as soon as you start sitting at constant "low" revs as in traffic or just idling for 10-20 mins the det sensor will trip as the car starts to run a little on the lean side and a detonation is detected..... Im runnin 1.2bar with a standard fuel pump at 291bhp so I prob need an uprated pump. Gonna get that fitted and the fuel air mix right which will prob sort out the prob.

Ive had loadsa advice bout the det sensor prob but this seems to be the most likely.... I would really recommend gettin ur car rollin roaded and tested for a bad fuel / air mix.... Hope this helps.


i always use optimax & a helpful dose of pro-boost

seems to help it flame better if nothing else :D :D


DodgeT said:
seems to help it flame better if nothing else :D :D
And on a cold start in the morning theres nothin better than flames for scaring the good old bus stop huggers........ :twisted: