Boost in one end and out the other

Got a strange thing happening- under boost, my BOV is constantly dumping non stop so the car won't boost at all.

It's dark now so i can't see much under there but it doesn't look as if any pipes have come off, think i could have a seized actuator or summat?

It's a cheapo Bailey job that came on the car.

Gutted, the more i learn about my car, the more i becomes apparent that somewhere down the line, one of it's previous owners was a complete wonker!

No i have to go and sort out his mistakes :evil:

I thought the dump valve only dumped when kinda told to by the actuator or wastegate... so is a problem earlier in the chain?
Thanks for the replys. :D
Took it off tonight and the action of the piston seems ok. Only thing i can think is perhaps the spring has become to weak to resist the vacuum opening it all the time...

Gonna take it out of the loop tonight and see what happens.
:D :D Sussed you, you little get!

looks like the piston spring in the DV has weakened and is allowing preassure to escape all the time. :?

:D Mega bonus is that i think it's been chucking out boost ever since i bought the car!! Cos when i sealed up the pipes and went for a spin the difference was astounding- less of a sucking noise from the turbo- quieter in a good way, just sounded like it wasn't trying as hard somehow- less lag, and more acceleration- and it was pretty damn noticeable too.

Can't believe i've been driving around in a half-cocked R for about five months, no wonder i was down on power on the Rolling Road!

Time to get me a Sheepdog BOV and i'll be well happy.