Bolney 06 april 8th - Beauty and the Beast



Hi all,

as the 'original' datsun turbo OC we wanted to let you guys know 1st

Bolney 06 has been planned one week before the start of the D1GB season ;)

Daz, Simon and Moi have been running this multi marque jap meet for 4yrs now and always get a good turn out of well over 400+ jap cars :nod:

the theme for next yr is "Beauty and the Beast" - one looker and big booster from each of the jap owners clubs we would like you guys not nominate 2 cars that represent the "all show" and "all go" sides of R ownership to be displayed in the main carpark :thumbs:

JapPerf and JTuner write ups from this yr :

More news coming soon

cheers Lex


New Member
if mine was finished you'd only need the one gtir to cover both catagories :wink:

somehow though i dont think it will be :( :lol: :lol:

lets hope its another good-un next year 8)


New Member
thinking about it, justy may have his done by then which would give you both in one neat package 8)


ashills said:
sounds a good idea mate
Cheers mate

as you know we have put alot of effort into this meet over the yrs :D

here are the rules from Daz :wink:


Bolney 2006 will be held on Saturday 8th April. The meet will start FROM 11:30am - please do NOT turn up any earlier as we will be trying to get the carpark display area arranged and sorted before everyone else turns up (otherwise it's too hectic to move cars around).


This years theme is "Beauty and The Beast". The carpark will be used as a display area - for which selected car clubs will be asked to pick their favoured "show 'n' Shine" car and to pick a "boosted up beast" Clubs to be invited are 350ZOC, FTOOC, GTR (for GTR's), MLR,, FDUK, SXOC, MR2OC, DriftWorks, CTROC, GT4OC, GTIROC, South east branch of Scooby Imprezza Driver Net ;) and SOC (for GTST's). If we decide nearer the time that we have more space available then we will invite a few more clubs to put forward 2 cars each.


We will be doing a collection for a local Bolney charity again this year - and we will be asking for donations of £1.00 per person (or more if you wish to). If you do not want to donate then that's up to you, but please do NOT get arsey with people asking for donations. Last year my partner received numerous insults and rude comments when she was collecting. If you do not want to donate the small amount of £1.00 then simply say "no thankyou" and leave it at that.


Because the carpark will be a display area, please do NOT turn up and try and park in the carpark - as this will ruin what we are trying to achieve. Please use the grass verges along the sides of the road and the main grass verge outside the pub (as in previous years). Also, please be considerate to residents who live in the area - and do not restrict them access to their properties. Additionally, please do not park across the entrance to slip roads. We do not want to annoy the residents and limit our chances of returning again.


There will be a zero tolerance rule with people who try to demonstrate what their car is capable of ... by this I mean anyone seen speeding or driving like a moron will be asked to leave. This is a purely static meet ... if you want to drive your car hard then go to a trackday instead. As in previous years I expect there to be children attending with their parents and I do NOT want to see anyone get injured.


Sussex police WILL be notified of the event and they WILL be paying us a visit regularly. If they cannot drive through as regularly as hoped, and we get idiots doing fly-by's then I will be phoning Sussex Police and asking them to come down.


Last year the pub did a superb job with catering and I am hoping they will be offering something similar this year. Last year they had burgers, hot dogs, chips, etc as well as cans of drinks. They also went around with trays of hotdogs and burgers so that people didn't need to go into the pub to get food.


Please ensure that you use the litter bins scattered around the area - and do not drop rubbish on the floor. Last year everyone was superb and didn't make a mess, but in previous years it's been terrible and I've had to go around tidying up (along with a few others). Please be considerate.


I will be contacting JTuner very soon - although there should be a small piece in the next 2 editions of the magazine advertising the event. Additionally I will be contacting Japanese Performance magazine about the event - as they've covered most of the previous meets (even if I've had to supply the feature ).

I think that covers most things. Hopefully the weather will be a bit kinder to us this year after the downpours last time ! and less of you will be put off from turning out (we still had well over 500 last year).

Let's make this one the best one yet !


South Mimms Convoy 10am :twisted:

cheers Lex


New Member
i will be coming along, even if the pulsar is finished or not i will find away!

is a great day out 8)


never been but it sounds like a top day out might b because am from manchester 8) 8) :shock: :lol: :lol:


One of the 'Beasts' confirmed for the carpark

More news coming soon :D