bloody pulley


New Member
hi guys,

sorry if this seems long but it might help someone oneday.

Since christmas my engine has had an awefull noise that was coming and going. i was worried that my water pump was on the way out but as it wasnt happening much i left it. when it started to appear more often and after talking to some people i was told to spray some WD40 on the belts and see if the noise would go away. i did this and sure enough it went away. i thought ah its the powersteering belt slipping.
so after tightening it up the noise never appeared again for three or four weeks.
then it started to come more so i put it into a nissan garage to have the belt changed and the noise was worse than ever. it was sqeaking aswell as rattling. the mechanic said the waterpump had a 'little' play in it so i thought ok i'll change it, or should i say my father will change it.... After alot of swearing the pump was changed. imagine our faces when the bloody noise continued. the water pump didnt have any play in it at all so what a waste of time. i said fcuk it just leave it, its probably the powersteering pump so its not as important as the waterpump. i'll just spray wd40 on it till it gets worse.
anyway to cut a long story shorter.
we finally changed the powersteering pump, mostly in pissing rain which was a laugh. the next day you can really imagine our faces when that bloody noise was still there but sounded even worse on a test drive.
so as we looked under the bonnet i noticed the bottom pulley wobbling which i be honest never noticed wobbling before. perhaps after the pump went on and the belt being tightened must have been the final straw for the bottom pulley.

too our amazment the bottom pully isnt a solid pulley. its two peice which the outside belt ring is bonded to the inner pulley. this had started to come apart and the pulley was wobbling. my dad has had experience of this shit arrangement on his 405 and told me if he had known they were bonded pulleys then he would've looked at that first before anything else. it cost him an alternator which he didnt need untill he seen the inside pulley spinning inside the outer ring.

the reason this might help others is this.

if your getting rattling type noises or sqeaking noise that you think are the accesories but nothing is wrong temp wise, steering wise or fliud wise then the first thing you should do is have the bottom pully checked. my dad and i wasted many many hours and cost me £150.

i love the car but to work on what a bastard.



fubar andy

Moderator & N/W Rep
Staff member
Yeah I had the very same problem.

In the end it caused my crank pulley belt to snap also taking the power steering belt with it too.
Thankfully some nice chap sold me his forged (one piece) pulley and everything was sorted.

Not only was it a bargain than paying come balding 60year ex-rover parts man £215 +vat and wait 4 weeks I got it cheaper and quicker.

It took me best part of a night, a pizza and 6 bottles of Grolsch to fit the dam thing!


New Member
;-) If you had used the search function when you had this problem you would have found this problem has been covered before and may have saved you some hours work and a few pennies :thumbsup:


Staff member
Don't want to **** on your fireworks mate but this is a very common problem with the standard 15 year old crank pullies on the Pulsar. They are £250 new from Nissan.

The scary thing is though, think of the amount of GTI-R owners setting there static ignition timing by using the notches in the potencially fooked crank pulley.


New Member
damn it. i try to find these things out but as you all know if you dont put the right words in then you wount find what your looking for. but then again i didnt know what i was looking for untill the end.