bloody import tax



just ordered in some top secret parts for my car to make it the fastest gtir on the planet:lol::lol:

anyway one of my top secret parts cost me £60 to buy from the states but then i got a letter through the other day from parcelforce stating that my top secret part had been held at customs untill i paid them £23 duty only £7 odd was vat and the rest of the money goes to parcelforce through admin etc

what a fcuking ripoff:evil: ive already paid for delivery and now they want over a third of that cost again to release my top secret part:roll:
its nothing more than highway robbery and in my book its similar to paying salvage on a towed in ship, bloody piracy thats what it is.

all this to build the worlds fastest gtir:roll::lol::lol:

Fast Guy

Staff member
Royal mail are twats for that. I ordered 2 blurays on a bogof last year, but Amazon put the full price of both down which came to about £20. The import limit is something like £18 before you pay duty etc and the order actually cost me about £10, but Royal mail wanted another £12 in charges. I fecked them off and told Amazon they hadn't been delivered.


Active Member
you can refuse to pay the charge theres a weird thing about they are ment to ask u first or something but u have to pay the vat either way
a guy wrote a thread about it on mlr


Still waiting on some shims!
you can refuse to pay the charge theres a weird thing about they are ment to ask u first or something but u have to pay the vat either way
a guy wrote a thread about it on mlr

True. I've always refused to pay any charges after delivery.

vss irvine

Well-Known Member
problem is if it goes to a company like DHL they can chase you for the debt and they can put a marker on your credit file.

geoff pine

Well-Known Member
It one of those things that pisses you of but as parcel force will not release your goods till you pay there handling charge of £13 refusing to pay it is not an option.


Active Member
if u go in there and speak to the manager he knows he has to let you have your parcel ill try and find the thread later


yep they sent me a letter first stating they were holding my parcel and this payment was due. ive paid it now anyway just to get my part that i urgently need, but it would be good to know for future reference if there is a loophole in not having to pay them their ripoff charges.
i dont mind paying the vat as you know that theres a chance that youll get stumped with import duty so thats just luck of the draw but the other charges are scandalous.

piracy my arse! ive had a good few earners towing in W.A.F.I's who have broken down. all goes to the ship beer fund!
(Wind Assisted ****in Idiots!)

haha like me you dont like yaughting types:lol: sink the boogers but leave the motor cruisers alone;-)


New Member
i bought a nex intercoolerspray kit from the us for £110deliverd then had a letter saying i got charge to pay,but i still saved £150 on the same kit sold over hear,bob was the parts heavy as i no for a fact that they only charge customs on heavy goods:-D:-D


New Member
i think they are getting a bit hotter on it i got charged import tax on my power fc commander even though it was price lowered to 50 pounds ive usually got away with it by law i think they can charge import tax on anything over 6 pounds


New Member
Consider your self lucky in UK.. Here in Malta, our local postal service charges you €24 just for admin charges and every item is opened and cross verify the price using several internet searches.

I once exchanged a Apexi Vtec controller with an Emanage, It was a good deal, each to pay his own shipping. I had to "invent" an invoice of $70 for it because they refused to release it without some sort of paper.


Staff member
problem is if it goes to a company like DHL they can chase you for the debt and they can put a marker on your credit file.
If I remember, that's because DHL (and similar) pay the import duties on their account to clear the package faster, and get it out of the bonded warehouse.
Because they cough-up without ever questioning it, they expect you to do the same.


I just got a similar letter from parcel force, I ordered some stuff for my Datsun a few weeks ago and they want £20 to release it to me, £12 vat and £8 for the pleasure of them paying the vat bill for me and sending out a letter :roll::doh:.

But overall I've ordered and received thousands of pound worth of stuff over the last few years, And I've only paid vat on about 5-10% of it so I'm not to bothered about this bill, It has all worked out in my favour overall so Blobster stop whining like a 5 year old baby girl who's lost her mummy :roll::der:.



is true what your saying rob, but £23 on a part that cost £58 is a bit steep do you not think?
ive paid it just to get my part asap but i dont like being ripped off and thats basically what these people are doing.

unlike you ive been had nearlly everytime ive ordered stuff in from the states
turbo £168
engine parts (pistons) were £40 odd amongst loads of other bits ive been had for.
now im not whining about the vat duty 'i accept that', but i hate being taken for a mug by these bl00dy courier companies who seem to think they can charge whatever they see fit, i spend a fortune with various couriers throughout the year and they try and scam every penny they can from you so i think ive got a right to moan lol


Active Member
I just got stuff from USA last week about £150 worth and i told the company to put it down as a gift and told them to put the value as $70 just incase they charged me import tax, VAT and so on and it arrive in 5 days with no extra charges. Sorted ;-)


New Member
the loop hole is that a private company can not hold a parcel in lieu of charges, its all in the postal act something or other, and since parcel fools became a private company a while ago that includes them.

you could actually have them arrested if they refused to give you your parcel, vat/duty you must, however pay if theres a charge.