Bloody Car

Roy Archer

Tried to start it yesterday after as few weeks in the garage. Ticks over but wont start, i tried to jump start it but no joy.

Time for the AA, the guy checked the Battery, then sprayed some easy start type stuff ("not easy start as that is too harsh" he said) and it tried to start , then he checked the plugs and they are sparking ok, next fuses all ok!

Conclusion: Could be a faulty fuel pump, currently has a Norris design group A pump in it.

Bloody cars are a money pit, and i only drive it once or twice a month

Do i keep it or sell it when its fixed?


New Member
Keep it mate, I was in the same boat with my car going wrong but I have decided to keep with it now.


Fast Guy

Staff member
How do you mean it ticks over but won't start? If it's ticking over it has started:?

Or do you mean it turns over but won't start.

Did the AA guy say if it was getting fuel and/or a spark?

mad max

Roy Archer said:
Tried to start it yesterday after as few weeks in the garage. Ticks over but wont start, i tried to jump start it but no joy.

Time for the AA, the guy checked the Battery, then sprayed some easy start type stuff ("not easy start as that is too harsh" he said) and it tried to start , then he checked the plugs and they are sparking ok, next fuses all ok!

Conclusion: Could be a faulty fuel pump, currently has a Norris design group A pump in it.

Bloody cars are a money pit, and i only drive it once or twice a month

Do i keep it or sell it when its fixed?
keep it mate your like me i just put shit loads of money into mine only to find the clutch cant handle the power felt like selling it but NO going to give it some more i started so i will finish

Roy Archer

sorry, i wouldn't start however it sparked and it turns over but doesnt start! I hadn't started for a week or so, does this sound right to you more experienced guys?


New Member
you really need to check if its got good fuel pressure on turn over, but the only way to do it is connect the gauge inline with the fuel line, which is a bit of a poop idea imo you may be able to hear the fuel pump whirring if you get someone to listen by the tank should whirr with the ignition on if it is not the pump it could be a blocked filter if you have spark and you have air then it only really leaves fuel as the prob

if you are really careful you could disconect the feed hose to the rail and put it in a bucket or something similar and turn the ign on it should hopefully pump out fuel;-)

Roy Archer

thanks for the idea, i should have explained at the begining, i have no idea when it comes to the mechanics. Its off the garage on Thursday courtesy of the AA.