bloody boy racers.

Matty B

New Member
:x Just been out for a nice drive this bright sunday afternoon in my R, thought i'd give it a run while the weather is good. Was just cruising down the A141 minding my own business when a couple of F--KING idiots in a bloody corsa and escort turbo thought it would be fun to try and race me. Why do they do it, i don't get it, have i got an invisible sticker saying 'catch me if you can' on my boot that only boy racers can see. Driving near enough in my boot flashing their lights urging me to nail it. Don't get me wrong, i like a fast drive now and again but i don't go looking for races. I just seem to attract prats like that, does anybody else have this problem. Never the less i gave them what they wanted and dropped it into 3rd and blew them away.


New Member
i always found it was more to fun to drive at a snails space and then speed up abit everytime they try to overtake

Matty B

New Member
Yea very good. I'll try it next time. Even better if theres another motor coming the other way, sh-t them up a little bit.
I get the same, its always the twats in slow cars that try and race too :der:. I usually let them get on with it, i know who's faster 8)

Though today i showed up a pretty boy in a BMW convertible who was showing off to his girlfriend, good fun!


New Member
ack its the call of the R man, stop your moaning! buy a rover or something if you want boy racers to ignore you! the little numptys see the R and get a hardon, they just want a quick spanking :)


New Member
I did that the other day, some prat in a audi right up my backend itching to get past me, so i stayed bangon 40mph rite on the middle line so he couldnt get by. As soon as we got onto the bypass he swung out in his tug boat and over tuck me, but as he was level to me i nailed it and he swung back in flashing his lights and talking angry through the windscreen, wots that all about!! i think i peed him off! so i now go a different route to work for the time being!!
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the chief

sadsy said:
I did that the other day, some prat in a audi right up my backend itching to get past me, so i stayed bangon 40mph rite on the middle line so he couldnt get by. As soon as we got onto the bypass he swung out in his tug boat and over tuck me, but as he was level to me i nailed it and he swung back in flashing his lights and talking angry through the windscreen, wots that all about!! i think i peed him off! so i now go a different route to work for the time being!!
i like doing that too!


so its not just me with that invisible sticker then, thank god for that, last weekend i had some idiot in a civic type R try to race me and when i left him for dead he decided to try and drift his civic round the roundabout but his handbrake didnt work properly so he looked even more like a prize c*ck, and ive got a lad at work that belives his little pug 106 gti will beat me down the 1/4 mile