Block Machining for Rebuild


The chap rebuilding my engine will shortly be starting on my second hand block.

It’s off to the machinist, but I want to understand what processes are involved so I can check they’re doing all the right things.

Before any machining they’re going to chemically dip the block, clearing the oil/water ways etc.
Does it need checking for cracks after that? Magnafluxing etc?

As far as I understand it and depending on measurements taken, the machining might involve the following:

Align Boring the crankshaft main bores (block with main caps in place).
Boring of cylinders (to 87mm).
Honing cylinders.
Head skimming.

What else should they be doing/measuring etc?



being as they are engine builders they SHOULD know everything they have to do plus the only thing they would have to do is check HOW DEEP YOUR POCKETS ARE :lol: :lol:


If every engine builder knew everything they needed to know we wouldn't have as many rebuilt engines going pop after 1000 miles :-D .

I only want my pockets to be as deep as they need to be.

I want to understand the things they're meant to do, not 'oh, we didn't align bore the mains sir, you didn't ask....' :roll:

Besides, engine builders and engine machinists can be a world apart.
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CruiseGTi-R said:
Besides, engine builders and engine machinists are a world apart.

Are you fitting a different crank or something ?, I don't think this needs doing otherwise :? .



I'm using a custom made billet titanium crank with gold inserts used for balancing.

I ****ing wish.

I'm using my old crank, in a different block, although I have the main caps which belong to the block.

Align boring the mains is only needed if the block has warped during its life, which apparently can happen as the block becomes 'seasoned'.

I just wanted to get an idea of what normal machining items get done to a block, or at least questions I should ask of the machinist and things he should check (I trust no-one :twisted: :-D )


CruiseGTi-R said:
(I trust no-one :twisted: :-D )

Yeah me ether, Mind you I do trust Agra because their is no tuner involved :lol: .

Yes I think line boring in your circumstance is for the best, As for the other stuff if you've taken it to a proper machine shop I'd just let them get on with doing what they do best, Mine will be cleaned/crack tested/re bored/decked and pressure tested
and so on ;-) .



Yours was a stock engine right? You going 87mm or 86.5mm?

I'm also going it alone without a tuner, bit unsure at the moment.
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CruiseGTi-R said:
Yours was a stock engine right? You going 87mm or 86.5mm?

Yes a stock 66000 mile engine, And I'm using 87mm HKS pistons and Par rods. I want as much capacity as possible :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: .
