blitz spec s



thinking of buying a blitz dual sbc spec s boost controller £160 :eek:
to get me up to 1 bar , will i need to do anything to the fuelling?
if so what ? £?

or would i be better off getting it unichipped £650 :shock: fitted & rroad
and can the boost controller still be used with a unichip


New Member
yep cos it only boosts up to somin silly like 1bar :roll:

and its not dual solenoid (spelling)

if you want to pm me can discuss

Paul R

New Member
mattygti-r said:
yep cos it only boosts up to somin silly like 1bar :roll:

and its not dual solenoid (spelling)
Thought the Spec S was the dual solinoid version? The Spec R is the single and can hold 1.2 bar as mine does.

Even if I've got the names mixed up the lesser version will do 1.2 bar but will need the other version (exactly the same unit) to do higher.


New Member
nope yove got them roudn the wrong way :lol:

ok 1.2bar then it will bosot too but the "s" isnt dual and i wouldnt really use it to be hoenst


im only looking to go to 1bar will having the dual selonoid be pointless
to me , or are there any other reasons / benefits of having the dual one
and for u guys with 1bar + what have u used for fuelling

Paul R

New Member
mattygti-r said:
*cough pikey*
:oops: I know :oops: *ashamed*

Anyway thats why I bought the oil catch can off you, so nerr, you sell to pikeys :lol: :lol:

Thought the units were physically the same but it was just the solinoid that couldn't handle >1.2 bar? The box and the packaging is exactly the same (even has the other version on the inside of the outer sleeve)

As for the fueling Q, I think most just make sure its running right - plugs, filter, not running lean etc and the fuel pump is up to it.

Paul R

New Member
mattygti-r said:
i was only messin mate, you arnt a pikey

oh I am, in fact I'm gonna come round and tarmac your driveway for a seemingly good price that mysteriously costs a lot more when done :twisted: :lol: :lol:

only jesting :D

anyway why so against the Blitz controller? There cheap and chearful units that do exactly what they are supposed to, for 160squid thats a lot better value than an AVCR (unless you can get them really cheap now as well).

I agree though that after a while 1bar won't be enough, but thats always the same


New Member
the avcr u can pick up for 200ish on ebay, brand new. i have seen this a couple of times, some company has loads of them and puts em on when can be arsed i guess.

for 40 quid more, i think this will be a better purchase.

saj 8)


New Member
just got back from PTS yey!

basically the avcr has lots of functions the blitz dont have (but to be honest will prb never use)


Blitz holds boost well but very simplistic......

better off with AVCR if running higher boost levels, ie can have scrabble boost settings ie set more duty when the boost is dropping off higher in the rev range or for different boosts in different gears.....
running 2 much boost in 1st gear in this weather may see you sideways once too often :roll: :twisted: :shock: :D.

For a standardish car though.....blitz good enough, to be fair, for 1 bar......just get a dawes device! and spend the added cash on getting a fuel controller :wink:


Active Member
I have the AVCR and although a very good unit, I don't think I would buy it again. For one thing, the most important I think, it spikes like a mo fo. I have it set for 0.95 kg/cm with a 40% duty cycle and I have seen it touch 1.18 kg/cm :shock: . That's no small potatoes !! Anyone know how to cure this ?

Anyway, back to topic. From investigations that I have made, the Greddy Profec B seems to be the best value for money on most cars. It is pretty cheap and is reputed to hold boost very well ! It is also very easy to set up.

Just my 13p. Oh, and the reason the dual solenoid is better than the single is that it will hold and control the boost a lot more accurately.




New Member
all dpends what you want out of a unit

most people as i said to you at the time paul

just want the flashy-ness of the avcr