Blitz SBC i-Colour Boost Controller


Active Member
Hello techies :)

I was just perusing a few websites and came across this wee beasty:

I remember seeing one at JAE last year, and when I asked about it the chap mentioned that it removed the need for seperate air/fuel and boost controllers - as this one unit did everything.

Reading the write-up on this site, that would appear to possibly be correct - although it does read rather like it displays things other than boost only and doesn't control.

So in theory if it did everything I'm guessing you could fit this instead of two apexi units for example.... what I'm after is whether this is righty or not, or I'm simply confusing myself again. The main reason being I also remember something about being able to pair the unit with other blitz controllers, and if this is the case - why would this one unit do everything :lol: :oops:

Let me know if you can help :lol: Its more out of interest for the future than anything as its a good looking unit!




New Member
By the looks of that write up all it does is give you the opportunity to alter your boost, it doesn't give you the opportunity to remap for fueling.

It may do im not 100% sure. The things it does do that the fuel controller does is register the fuel / air ratio. The SAFC2 allows you to monitor the throttle, rev's, knock sensor and when it is mapped allows you to monitor the correction value that the unit applies.

Im opting for the SAFC2 and looking into the AVC-R or a Blitz unit, depends which is the most reliable and of course value for money. :wink:



It is confusing, even reading Blitz's own websites.

But it looks like if you buy the additional air/fuel harness you can use the i-colour to control fuel.

Its £640 though :shock: , and I'm sure the afr thing will be min another £100.

For that you can get the Greddy e-01 WITH emanage.

I think Apexi are starting to lose out on their display units, PowerFC is good and all but from what I've seen unless you always have the laptop in the car none of the Apexi display systems (including the commander) are as well presented as Greddy (and this Blitz one does look nice, maybe a bit gameboyish though).


New Member
CruiseGTi-R said:
It is confusing, even reading Blitz's own websites.

But it looks like if you buy the additional air/fuel harness you can use the i-colour to control fuel.

Its £640 though :shock: , and I'm sure the afr thing will be min another £100.

For that you can get the Greddy e-01 WITH emanage.

I think Apexi are starting to lose out on their display units, PowerFC is good and all but from what I've seen unless you always have the laptop in the car none of the Apexi display systems (including the commander) are as well presented as Greddy (and this Blitz one does look nice, maybe a bit gameboyish though).
the new GReddy display in japan (not available here yet)

looks fooking sh1t hot


Thats probably the replacement for the e-01 right, so that its emanage ultimate compatible (I hear that the current e-01 screen/controller isn't, which is a bloody shame).

got any pics of it?


New Member
CruiseGTi-R said:
Thats probably the replacement for the e-01 right, so that its emanage ultimate compatible (I hear that the current e-01 screen/controller isn't, which is a bloody shame).

got any pics of it?

oooooooo no its not the replacement for the EO1


But the e-01 won't work with ult version of emanage?

I want to get an e-01 but a bit miffed that ult won't rig up to it.