Blitz Dual SBC


New Member
Need a little advice with regards to the above.The car is overboosting by,what I believe, a good bit.Its been happening since I bought the car but more noticeable since I refurbed the tubby.
If I have it on "60",ie. 1.2 bar,it peaks at 1.36 bar.If I put it on "65",ie. 1.3 it peaks at 1.45! It then comes down nicely to 1.2 resp. 1.3 etc.
My gizzmo chip is mapped out for 1.4 bar.I really want to run it at 1.4 when Im racing etc but am scared to do so as Im gonna have to set my peak warning at 1.55 or something so it doesnt cut in and let out boost.
Anyone had this problem? Is it safe to let it peak at 1.5 to then come down to the 1.4 its mapped out for? or is it a bit risky?:?

I want to be able to get max-effect when needed.