Blitz Dual SBC solinoid strip and rebuild



I've got a DSBC on my R but it is only boosting at a maximum of 0.8 Bar :? I got it second hand from a former R owner who had almost the same mods as me so I plumbed it straight in after a load of research on tinternet and started to progressively wind up the boost! Trouble is it maxed out at 0.8 and wont go any higher, was aiming for 1.0 Bar!

I was wondering if maybe one of the solinoids is jammed and whether it is possible to safely open it up and inspect for any problems?

It is an older unit with the 4 settings on the controller but I think the solinoid pack is the same as the new ones?

Its been fitted for ages now but only just getting off me aRse to try and sort it :roll:


just a silly one have you got the pipes on the right way round on the unit
think when i put mine on the wrong way it did that :oops:


I think I got the pipes on the right way, I followed instructions given by another R owner and those from the web! When you say on the unit, do you mean the 'IN' & 'OUT' on the solinoid pack?
If I was to swap those pipes round to try it, would it cause any damage/problems? (assuming they are correct at the mo)

Yes it does have a gain setting on it! I have tried adjusting it but not by much as it didn't seem to have much effect and the instructions I got said the gain was to set the speed and point in which it started to boost rather than the amount of boost it produced!




No as one pipe senses boost from inlet manifold the other sends boost to the wastegate to operate it, it just wouldnt work. 0.8 Bar is standard boost anyhow.

Any more probs give us a shout.


sorry, IN = pipe from plenum

OUT = pipe from Solenoid to Wastegate actuator

Also make sure you havent thrown away the old pipe as you could do with taking out the brass ferrel and inserting it into your new IN pipe



Ok, I will double check the plumbing and try it the other way round!

I do still have the original (standard) pipes somewhere :? but I dont recall any brass ferrel!
What is this for?

Also, when I have the controller set in the 'OFF' position (not very often, just long motorway driving) it boosts at just over 0.5 Bar, maximum setting (controller reading 100) is 0.8 Bar


Ive now checked the pipes and they are correct to the description as above!
'IN' = vacuum feed from plenum (same line as BOV & boost guage)
'OUT' = tee'd into wastegate pipe

I also opened the solenoid box which looked fine, didn't really know how to test :oops: but it looks like new inside! Very basic looking!

Then I tried adjusting the gain setting which had no affect on any of the four ratio settings (only one gain setting does all ratio settings?) Still no rise in boost! :?

Adjusted the scramble mode which also had no affect :x

I'm totally stumped now as it works as before (0.5 Bar min - 0.85 Bar max) with no change. :evil:

If any of you guys could post up your settings so I could check against mine I would really appreciate it!
Relevant mods are: K&N Ind kit, full Mongoose inc de-cat and Blitz Super Sound BOV

Cheers in advance! :cry:


New Member
d14nnyboy said:
'IN' = vacuum feed from plenum (same line as BOV & boost guage)
Maybe this is were you're going wrong. The 'IN' pipe should be connected to a nipple coming from the plenum, right near the the throttle inlet pipe, NOT connected to the BOV vacuum line.

I have one of these controllers and it's a doddle to plumb in. One pipe from plenum to solenoid, the other goes straight to the actuator, no need to tee it into any other pipes, should just have 2 pipes, one for 'IN' and the other for 'OUT'

Dan. :)