Black uncut bumper plus top mount for my cut bumper and front mount, or buy ?


New Member
My bumper is not mint and does have marks, i dont know what make the intercooler is, its large and the battery has to be moved to the boot for the pipe work, hoping to find a straight swap, but will buy an uncut front bumper if someone has one (i prefer the oe look)

location Croydon


Staff member
You do realise that by putting an OE bumber back on you'll be reducing the airflow across your intercooler and therefore its cooling efficiency? - I appreciate you may have thought of this and decided that the intercooler is big enough that it doesn't need as much air going through it, but I thought I'd point it out just in case.
You may also find the radiator doesn't appreciate it either.

Don't get me wrong; I like the OEM look so I understand stylistically what you're doing.


New Member
Hes ditching his front mount for a stock top mount though, I assume to return the car back to stock, so the airflow issue doesnt really apply.


Staff member
My bad - I didn't read that properly. :doh:

Knock yourself out; you might find it's easier to buy from someone like Boby and then try to offload the kit you've just taken off.


New Member
Bob doesnt have an uncut bumper, i'd also point out that an uncut bumper would be perfectly sufficent for numbers over 400bhp (far more than i have/want)


Staff member
It's all very well to say that, but do you have any evidence that there is no significant advantage? I would have thought that every little bit helps, but have to admit that I haven't done the sums or measured the difference empirically. - I could be wrong, and it may simply be that it only makes a significant difference when you are (a) driving faster than the national speed limit or (b) making more that 300bhp (as an example).