Best way to reach 1 BAR!



Currently I am running 298 bhp at 1 bar using a bleed valve. The car has a Walbro Fuel Pump, Induction Kit and Mongoose. I want to get the job done properly and was thinking of getting a Dastek Unichip mapped to run 1 bar.

Which is the best way of getting the car set up to 1 bar or even 1.1 bar? I want your opinion in which method is best to use.




How much will that cost and where do I get it from?

What about boost controllers and e manage and all that sort of stuff?



Active Member
You won't be able to acheive the re-map without some sort of re-programmable ecu, whether that be piggy back unit i.e. Unichip or E-manage or stand alone unit i.e. Motec or Haltech etc...

Personally, I would go for the Unichip with the boost module and set it up for 1.1 bar. This will give you a full re-map of the Fuel, ignition and boost maps.
However, it all depends on your wants and needs. If you just want 1.1 bar and don't want to upgrade the turbo or play with the boost (after mapping)etc, etc... the Unichip will be more than enough for the job and will probably be enough even if you want to do those things. If you get it mapped by a good mapper, you will have a very powerful and reliable car !

I looked at the E-manage and didnt feel it offered as much for the money as the Unichip and everything is 'add on' too. If I remember correctly, you can have 2 maps with the Unichip also ?!

As for the upgraded actuator, I don't really see what this will acheive. In my mind, using just the actuator is a very crude method of boost control, much like the bleed valve. If you use just the actuator, you will never have the spool up response, consistency or overall control that you will get from an electronic controller !

Thats just my 2 pence worth anyway !





I just want to reach 1.1 bar which I am hoping will give me 300bhp+ which it should because currently I am running 298bhp at 1 bar.. I would like the option to switch between standard boost and 1.1 bar and if you can have 2 maps set up on the unichip thats great (one for standard power and one for 1.1 bar). If I upgrade the turbo later then I can always get the chip remapped right?

Do you have to purchase a separate controller to be able to switch between maps?

What are you using at the moment youngsyp?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of the e-manage, Motech and Haltech?



Active Member
If you are currently running 298bhp, you will easily top 300 bhp with a full re-map and boost rise. You will have an optimised fuel, ignition and boost set up. I bet the car will feel totally different !! Another bonus of the re-map is better part throttle fuel economy ! Guys who had them fone to their GT4's, had 300 + bhp and 35 mpg :shock: :wink:

As far as I am aware, you have a switch on the unit itself that, allows you to switch maps. It's certainly not a seperate unit though !

Yes, you can get it re-mapped very easily. Infact, this will probably be cheaper than the first mapping session as, they will be able to use part of the existing map !

Currently, I am using the OE Nissan ecu. However, I did some research into this a while back when I was looking at doing my GT4. However, the car got written off before the tuner had installed their 4x4 rolling road :oops: :( However, I will eventually be going the same route as you, maybe with a roller bearing turbo though, (once I have sorted the handling and fuel supply) and I will defo be using the Unichip along with my Apexi AVC-R.

I won't go into the full list of disadvantages as it's not necessarry. All I will say is that the E-manage works out more expensive after you have added looms and boost control and mapping and AFAIK has less load points therefore, isn't as accurate.
The Motec is the daddy of stand alone ECU's but, is way over the top performance wise and money wise for what I think you need IMHO. You're looking at £2k+ after mapping !
It is a similar story with the Haltech although, this isn't as good as the Motec and is a bit cheaper !

In short, if I were you, I'd go for the Unichip. I think they are roughly £600 including boost module and mapping !



Fast Guy

Staff member
youngsyp said:
You won't be able to acheive the re-map without some sort of re-programmable ecu, whether that be piggy back unit i.e. Unichip .......

As for the upgraded actuator, I don't really see what this will acheive.
He said in the first post he was going to (or thinking of) get a Unichip, hence why I only said remap.

And you simply buy an actuator that opens at 1bar, saving the expence of any addtional controllers if you don't want them. Fuelling is taken care of with the unichip map.



Thank you for the reply.

What is the Apexi Apexi AVC-R used for?

How much would an uprated actuator cost?

Just to calrify...

You still need some sort of Boost Controler or uprated actuator to get the car running at 1 bar and the Unichip takes care of the rest... right?

Thank you



Thanks for the link.

Where would you get an uprated actuator from? and which is the best place in the South East to buy the Unichip from and get it mapped?



Active Member
Re: ...

hmmm said:
Thanks for the link.

Where would you get an uprated actuator from? and which is th ebest place in the South East to buy the Unichip from and get it mapped?

If you get the Unichip, you won't need the uprated actuator. Just use the OE one and get the boost control module on the Unichip. That way, you'll have electronic boost control !! :wink:

Do a search on google or something for dealers of the Unichip in the South East !




just go for the unichip, and a boost controller. the greedy unit will work as standard 0.7 bar
on low boost , on high boost 1.3bar... that should keep u happy, get it set up on road or rollers


Norris Design do an uprated actuator its a modified Forge one, £85 or there about if i remember correctly! :wink: