best place for setup/remap near east yorks


New Member
different people specialise in different stuff.

What exactly do you want doing and what is your spec?


New Member
I only want it basically just checking everything over i.e timing, fueling etc.., just want them to adjust boost to 1.1bar and fueling to suit.

Car is pretty standard really just usual stuff like..fmic, full mongoose, apexi safc, apexi super intake,shitty stainless tubular manifold, sard fuel reg er....hks ssqv er.....thats about it oh yeah and all pipes manifold and intercooler are lagged doesn't do much but every bit helps! i think just interested to see what power it'll make and make sure its running safely!
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New Member
Sounds like a plan.... well worth tweeking so keep us posted!
Sorry... can't prescribe a tunner but let me know how the shitty ... lol manifold works out as I have one that may just go back in the box.


New Member
i dont want to start another row over these manifolds lol! but as i've said before mine has done in two gaskets so far but now on its third its going strong no blows no cracks just asi should be so really i can't complain!


New Member
Here's hoping it's a "great values stainless performance manifold" then.
I had my gvspm braced and face machined but still fear fitting it.


davey red.r said:
racingline halifax.good rep for the gtir,s

yeh havent heard a bad word about them and they set up my pulsar spot on.. friend people always willing to help..


New Member
good good thats my aim really like the idea of improving 'driveabilty' with a more responsive turbo, shorter intercooler piping etc as i'd rather have it more driveable and fairly reliable than stupidly fast in a straight line as i live in the 'countryside' and the roads round me are all about the corners not the straights so that isn't any good for me as such:p

davey red.r

New Member
rams_pulsar said:
good good thats my aim really like the idea of improving 'driveabilty' with a more responsive turbo, shorter intercooler piping etc as i'd rather have it more driveable and fairly reliable than stupidly fast in a straight line as i live in the 'countryside' and the roads round me are all about the corners not the straights so that isn't any good for me as such:p
get yourself a radical then8)
