awful vibration please help!!



hi dudes,

just to put you in the picture i recently bought a R knowingly with shagged front brakes (common fault lol) I have replaced the discs and pads now and my braking problems are now sorted no vibration when braking.

now my problem when travelling at low speed over bumpy roads etc the handling is very skitty and almost feels like theres no damping :shock: it feels like the suspension is way to hard, the car is riding on standard springs and dampers (recently replaced) and 17" TSW alloys i've tried the bounce test and theres no problems it settles after one bounce.

there is also awful vibration around 65mph + it gets very friendly constantly shaking my hands:lol:

I've had the front wheels balanced and it's still awful.

is there a common problem regards vibrations that I should be looking at?

also are the 17" alloys a good idea on the R or do they make the ride in general very harsh?

please help and if theres anyone close to notts/derby any chance of a second opinion?




New Member
is the center hole in your alloy the same as the hub size on your car? my wheels are too big for the hub so it shakes at high speeds ... I've bought some "fitting rings" that I have yet to install


thanks for the advice dudes.

I have checked the wheels and they have rings already installed.

I have also replaced both track rod ends tonight with brand new nissan items, the car is slightly better no longer skitting!!
I will have to get the tracking done asap though as I have tried to get it as accurate as I can without the proper gear.
my vibration above 65 + is still there though :(

I have a feeling it is the 17" alloys that are causing my probs and will try and rule that out once I can find some smaller wheels to try.


Nick it could be a buckled alloy.........i have a set of standard alloys in the garage if you want to pop over and try them



Active Member
With Lee on this... I've had an annoying vibration at 70+ for some time.

Getting the wheeels dynamically balanced and laser alignment done seems to reduce it for a while - then it gradually comes back over a few hundred miles.

Found out my front left alloy was slightly buckled. Put my standard alloys back on complete with spider nests...... absolutely fine all the way upto 1xx mph.

Lightweight, minimal rims may look good but they don't like potholes.

Luckily I found a place that still stocks my wheels even though they've been out of manufacture for over a year.

Hope it helps


another sunny

I have had this roblem before, i jacked up my car with each wheel of the ground, with a small ruler and black marker pen i turned the wheel slowly and marked all the high spots. Iremoved the wheels then measured the diameter of the rim at 4 different points, this gave me the average diameter. Then with a very large rubber hammer i hit out on the bead(on the marks)carefully measuring to get back to the average measurement, my wheels nolonger vibrate at speed and after nearly 10k i have had no adverse problems.


problem solved :lol: and thanks to all for the advice

having checked every flaming nut/bolt on the steering rack, lower arms, shockers for tightness i finaly found the flaming culprit :evil:

the n/s rear gearbox mounting two inner wing bolts (14mm head) were both shockingly loose all the other bolts on this mounting were tight i finaly have a non vibrating R :p

just need to sort out that bloomin high idle and gearbox small oil leak and she will be all sorted :thumbsup: