Avcr Question??


GtiR kID

Hi ive got a dilema ive got an avcr installed in my car and wen the car boosts upto 1.1 bar it turns itself off for a sec and then resets itself, this neva use to happen b4 ive had the avcr installed for all most a year its just started to happen recently with the warm weather. Ive checked all the wiring and taped all the lose wiring up and also checked round the ecu but nothing is either loose or untaped. I've also looked under the hood but nothing is loose.

Ne Help appreciated Guys..??..


GtiR kID said:
Hi ive got a dilema ive got an avcr installed in my car and wen the car boosts upto 1.1 bar it turns itself off for a sec and then resets itself, this neva use to happen b4 ive had the avcr installed for all most a year its just started to happen recently with the warm weather. Ive checked all the wiring and taped all the lose wiring up and also checked round the ecu but nothing is either loose or untaped. I've also looked under the hood but nothing is loose.

Ne Help appreciated Guys..??..
When you go back into settings does it display ***?

GtiR kID

Thanks for the reply.
It sometimes resets it self back to 0.6Bar and the duty displays *** but on other occassions it does display **** for boost and the same for the duty. so inother words sometimes it memories its setting and sometimes it doesnt, its very very bizare lol..


GtiR kID said:
Thanks for the reply.
It sometimes resets it self back to 0.6Bar and the duty displays *** but on other occassions it does display **** for boost and the same for the duty. so inother words sometimes it memories its setting and sometimes it doesnt, its very very bizare lol..
Ahh looks like same problem as i had, you need to set the boost to match the boost when the AVC-R is off so see what your max boost is when it seams to turn off and then set to that prob round 1.4-1.6

then set duty to 45% and drive to see max boost should be low, then bring it up to until you see 1.1

I asume you know that on the monitor screen press the up arrow to display peak hold as in max boost and also good to be on digital not dial graph! also pressing right key resets to 0 so you can always check to see what boost you have done when accelorating ;-)

But Rishi is the expert on AVC-R's :thumbsup:

GtiR kID

Ok thanks mate ill give it a whirl 23mrow and let u know how it went