AVC-R settings help pls



Got my avcr installed today and looks bloody great, But i dont understand all the settings. Ive read through the instruction manual but makes no scence. Can someone be kind enough to let me copy there settings. I would be so greatfull. :cry:
If you don't understand it, you shouldn't be frigging with it - get someone who knows what they're doing to set it up for you.


LOL not quite the help i wanted. I had already thought of that, but not really loads of people in this area that would deal with it. The bits that i dont understand is the "learn Gear" "start duty" "ne-point" if you can help please let me know.
Hmm, been ages since I had an AVC-R. Lemmie go and look at the online manual and I'll see if I can help. Meanwhile, someone else may post with more helpful comments than my 1st reply :wink:
Ne-Point: changing the points on the RPM scale from which the AVC-R maps the boost (when using RPM specific boost control).
Start Duty: When you want to have control of under- or over-boosting in gear-based boost mode. This cancels the self-learning mode.
Learn Gear: The unit attempts to control boost depending on what gear it thinks you're in.

I didn't use these functions. I set my solenoid duty and target boost with trial and error and let the unit self-learn the finer points through the rev-range.

Personally, now that I have a Profec B-spec 2, I find that the AVC-R is a little over complicated ;)


:D Cheers, kinda made it more easy to understand. The person who made the manual should of wrote it with newbies in mind. So let me get this right, the ne-point is each point where the boost will increse? and the learn gear on mine doesnt learn! stays blank but it is in learn mode?
Not quite... the Ne-Points are the points at which the boost is mapped, not necessarily increased. IIRC, change the Ne-Point and the points where you choose the boost level (on your little graph) will change correspondingly.

Again, IIRC, you're correct about the gear learn. Leave it blank and the solenoid duty cycle will self learn to try and stabilise the boost (to your target) through the rev-range. It's not that clever though, so you need to get it somewhere near to kick off with.

I used to set my boost (dredging up the memories here) to 1.2 bar and the duty cycle was 50-something percent. After holding the boost for a few seconds in 3rd gear (or 4th, whatever) and achieving stable boost, the unit will attempt to self-learn and stabilse your target boost throughout the range. If you set the duty cycle to 20% or 80% or something equally way out, it wouldn't be able to hold stable boost and so wouldn't learn. You can tell that it's entered learn mode by the three asterixes "***" where the duty cycle is on the main boost setup screen (after sustained boost).


As mud.

Note: most of the above from memory, so excuse any glaring ommisions or errors.


My AVCR has never gone into learn mode ( *** )

Seems to hold boost ok though after playing with the duty cycles :?
Just wanted to add. and I think i'm right but to get it into self learn mode you need to put it in fifth at low speed say about 40 then accelerate at over 80% throttle for as long as you can for it to start self learning. Correct me if i'm wrong though


Cheers guys, I just found it kinda confusing. I set the duty to 50% and then the boost to 1bar. Feels so much smother now and even puts me back in my seat again :D . Now ive sussed it. is it best to start it at 1 bar through out the rev range or should i use the option to increse it slowly with the revs?
Cambridge_pulsar said:
Just wanted to add. and I think i'm right but to get it into self learn mode you need to put it in fifth at low speed say about 40 then accelerate at over 80% throttle for as long as you can for it to start self learning. Correct me if i'm wrong though
Major_Sarcasm said:
After holding the boost for a few seconds in 3rd gear (or 4th, whatever) and achieving stable boost, the unit will attempt to self-learn and stabilse your target boost throughout the range. If you set the duty cycle to 20% or 80% or something equally way out, it wouldn't be able to hold stable boost and so wouldn't learn. You can tell that it's entered learn mode by the three asterixes "***" where the duty cycle is on the main boost setup screen (after sustained boost).
Didn't I say that? :wink: Well, sort of... :wink: :wink: