ARGH Quick help before tomorrow!!


New Member

Fitted my de-cat this evening and it's leaking on one side i've re-used the standard gaskets will this be the problem?

Is there anything i can use as a temporary fix for tomorrow before i can replace it with something proper?


Active Member
Tbh i have never used any exhaust gaskets on my exhaust from the elbow back and its never leaked.I just use exhaust putty on the joins.


do you want me to bring you a s/h gasket tomorrow?
it wont hurt anyway if its blowing at the join!


New Member
Cheers .. sealed it with some exhaust putty!

Now when i rev the thing i get some white smoke??! Not good!


New Member
Cheers .. sealed it with some exhaust putty!

Now when i rev the thing i get some white smoke??! Not good!

If its cold/moist outside then yes you will get white smoke appearing on first start up due to the difference in temps between exhaust gasses and air outside.

Let it get to temp and it will no doubt disappear, if it doesnt then you have a problem!


New Member
I think it'll disappear.. you might have some putty inside burning off as well.. let it run drive it round and see how you get on.


New Member
I took it for another little run and had nothing when i got back .. i'll stop at a service station tomorrow half way down and check it out :)