Apexi super air flow controller



I have above fitted to my gtir (it came fitted with no explanation from dealer) and i believe it has something to do with the VTA dump valve as when i disconnect the SAFC the cars idle is erratic and the engine smokes and is pretty much undriveable.

However when reconnected it is all fine.

Firstly: would anyone be kind enough to tell me why what how (basically what the SAFC does?

Secondly: it has 5 knobs on it that go up in approximately 1000 rpm increments & give air/fuel -/+30??? All i know is that when i turn them them positively or negatively the engine increases or decreases power at that rev renge.

If i stick them all up to +30 it seems to give better acceleration up to 5000rpm then the engine seems to miss / run lean maybe?

I've just left them all at 0 as i dont understand it.

So if anyone could give any knowledge they have it would be greatly appreciated or at least point me to a website where to get info on setting these things up for optimum performance.




Still waiting on some shims!
Its an Air Flow Controller... Its used to adjust the fueling of your engine...

I would drive oh so carefully to someone who can map the car with the device or you'll blow your engine if you just fiddle with it blind...
