apexi safc fitting


is there anyone around the in the lincolnshire nottinghamshire area that could come and fit my safc for me once it is fitted i will be taking it to pts. or is it worth me just getting it fittted there on the day or will they charge alot


It's about 1/2 an hour to an hour's job, pretty simple if you have a decent crimping set and wire strippers. Instructions are good too, so don't be put off doing it yourself, just take your time and double check each wire before you cut it.


i fitted mine the other week, i must say it would be criminal to pay someone, its so easy, plus if their are wiring faults in the future you know where to look and wouldn't have to pay somebody to check, jeff :wink:


think i will give it a go then. i just have one problem i bought it very cheap on a ebay and i knew about this before i bought it, but the bottom half of the wriring loom is missing. I have been told it just needs ten lengths of wiring adding onto the wires that are already. this shouldnt be much of a problem should it i have all the wiring instructions


The bottom half is just an extention on the loom with a plug to make removing the SAFC easy withouth having to undo all your wiring. All the wires are the same so you won't have any problems.


cheers for the help lads. i was thinking of putting it in the heater vents but i have heard that is quite difficult any other suggestions i dont want it in the glove box i would like it some where i could keep an eye on it all the time anyone got any pics of where they have fitted theres