APEXI AVCR Speed Reading - out at higher speeds..


New Member
Hi all,

Just wondering if anyone uses their AVCR for the speed reading in KPH???

And if so have they noticed any probs...
Mine seems fine to about 100mph but then seems to spike to high for what the speedo actually reads...

Any ideas why this would be??


The reading on my AVCR and speedo don't always match but I think it's more likely just down to the factory speedo not being very accurate.


New Member

But mine seems accurate to about the ton... then it just gets silly...

I think my last run at about 135mph reported back in at 280kph... !!!
So like 160mph... oh dear!! ITs defo out....

Going on the rollers sat week so maybe ask for a check up and see what it may be...