Anyone with a limiter still fitted and working

Fast Guy

Staff member
What happens and how does it feel when the limiter kicks in??

I ask because twice today mine cut at 7000(ish) rpm in 5th (close ratio box) and it felt like a total cut of the engine, a couple or so seconds later I had control again. :shock: Not funny when you're trying to show your frustration to a TT driver who wouldn't get out of the bl**dy way for miles. :oops:


well i hope no one on here has got rid of there rev limiter lol i need mine as i use it more then soap lol mine gives a few pops and bangs dnt kill the engine to much really thoughbut i ent hit it in 4th or 5th


mines the same as you fast guy, although it seems to happen whenever it wants to, sometimes at 190kph sometimes at 170kph, it seems to be dependant on how hard im accelerating

Fast Guy

Staff member
Sorry, just to clarify, the speed limiter (112mph??) not the rev limiter. Yes I use that one quite abit too, but I can't get there if the speed limiter beats me to it. :shock:


:oops: :oops: o i c well uve had the car 2 years now hmmmmmmmm i thought i was bad leaving mine on for the first 3 months there only 40 quid and ten minutes to fit :cry: i thought they did 120+ the short ratio's??????


after speeking to fast guy ignore all my comments as i am puzzled and need to b locked away in a padded room :twisted:


Fast guy i have the speed limiter still, and its not like that, its more like a rev limiter, you just bounce off it! rather than a cut for a bit..


I still have the speed limiter, it kicks in at about 112mph, and makes the worst noise ever. It really does sound like its going to blow up, so I always back off before I hit it.

It sounds like it retards the timing, rather than a fuel cut or anything.

Like you say only lasts a second, but it never sounds good.

Perfectly normal though.



I've hit mine many a time, sat on it for a while too. It just cuts in, cuts out, cuts in, cuts out in about 1/2 second intervals. With the standard exhaust it didn't make much noise, but with the new exhaust is sounds like a bad fart when the limiter cuts in. I try and avoid it now... :roll:


New Member
humm im not too sure if mines still working...i can hit 180kmh and it not cut out and keeps going ok....

my speedo is intermitant and the mph dont wrk v.well so say if ur doing 60 it says 20, so i flick it into i say it will hit 180+

im assuming that if it had the limiter it wouldnt reach 180 on the dial

Fast Guy

Staff member
I've hit the rev limiter plenty of times :oops: but yesterday was different. I'll have a look and see if my delimiter has fallen off or anything, but I realy hope it's that. Any other ideas on a dramatic cut at 7000rpm in 5th? I never got to try it in 4th, but 1st,2nd, and 3rd were all ok to the redline :wink:


New Member
carl, i also have this problem, it feels like the car has run out of petrol right?, car is completely dead for about 2 seconds, then statrs going again,
mine does it at 100 in 4th, and 120 in fith, but not all the time! very annoying
was thinking maybe its the fuel pump, not able to cope with sustained high revs, is yours standard?

Fast Guy

Staff member
It's pretty standard.(goose and filter) Are the revs in each gear the same? Is yours the close ratio box too?
Yeah, similar to running out of petrol and almost the same as when the wifes cam belt went on her rover. :shock:


I was being chased by a scooby on the awy to PTS last Friday and thought it had been removed but at 115 mph it made like J-Gti-r said was a fart noise coming from the induction kit as the car held back so i stopped accelerating and let the scooby past but funnily enough the scobby did not go any faster too. So the pts guys gives it a rolling roaded and confirmed it cuts out at 115.4mph 8) . I think i'll leave it on as the engine and gearbox will not be stressed from high speed raging. :wink:
I still have the jap KMP/ mph speedo too so would not know what the fcuk my speed would have been anyway had i gone faster.


mine feels as though its cut out completely for a second or 2 then i regain power.

keeping mine in as it prevents me really hammering the R.

First time it happened, thought the lot had blown and that was in my old R racing a calibra turbo on the way to the snowdome in m.keynes. Have to admit the calibra turbo was starting to pull away :oops: b!oody vauxhall rubbish!!!!

Sunny Nutter

my limiter is still intact too,
i tend to exercise it about once a forthnight! it always cuts in at ~190kph :roll:
I dont think I remove it.....she is fast enough to loose the license as it is! :roll: :? 8)


Active Member
i get the cut at
6800rpm in 3rd
6200 in 4th
and 5300 in 5th (just over 125mph)
really annoying and needing fixing so cars 100% to be mapped
anyone any ideas


New Member
mines a 94m reg hits the limiter at 115 about 7000rpm in fourth and about 5400rpm in fith and when it hits the limiter it feels like the ignition has been turned off for about 2 secs and slows down rapidly keep foot to floor and it nearly snaps ur neck when it kicks back in, dont think it kicks back in till about 90mph though. First time it did it i thought car was knackered. It doesn't make no strange noises though just cuts out.

Fast Guy

Staff member
kingy said:
it feels like the ignition has been turned off for about 2 secs and slows down rapidly ......dont think it kicks back in till about 90mph though........... First time it did it i thought car was knackered. .

That sounds exactly the same as mine. :D