Anyone want to be on TV??



Hey everyone a friend of mine is making a documentary for her uni course and it is based around the world of modified cars. She needs a range of people/cars for filming in late february early march time.

It will be a bout 15mins long in total and will possibly be shown on Granda tv at some point later in the year.

If your interested send me a pm or e-mail with
1) Car details (make, mods, plans)
2) Personal Details (name, age, location)
3) Car history (i.e how you got into modifying your car and why)
4) Occupations

It may sound a bit random but she wants to get a good cross section of people to get a complete view of the scene from trackday junkies to show specials.

anyway let me know if your up for it (the video that is )


Dooie Pop Pop

New Member
i dont think the general publics really ready for the sight of Dooie Dingle in their living rooms just yet :shock: :lol:


well my friend Lisa is at Warrington uni BUT because of the amount of responses and the locations that will be needed to be covered I think there will be locations that hopefully most people can get to. i.e. a days filming for the north west, a days filming south east etc etc i'm afraid as she is a student she can't pay petrol money but hopefully you will love your cars enough to still represent. if your interested please pm with the details as requested in the original post and i'll add you to the list
