anyone seen these before???



Features:Voltage value improved from 12V in 16V boost upThe oil consumption is reducedTo reduce the powerlessIt improves the torque and the speed upIt reduces pollution of exhausting

About the item:

Travel distance per gasoline 1 liter- Before the installing 3.60Km

- After the installing 4.02Km

The blowing to the high rotary limits it raises, can realize the change of shift timing! As many as 12% thing fuel economy improvement was actualized with in the severe race scene.
Ignite VSD boost raises the input potential to the ignition coil to 16V, maintains voltage in 16V furthermore in the time of electric load, supplies the voltage which is stabilized to the ignition coil.​

¡EThe blowing rising is different.

¡EPerfection obstruction misfire of TURBO high boost engine.

¡EPowering down at the time of air conditioner is prevented.​

¡E Powering down the power usage of audio on-board car is prevented.

¡E It is adapted to various motor sports.

¡E The protective function which does not produce effect to either the

up-to-date DLI ignition coil.

¡E When 10,001, trouble occurs in VSD, the relief design where LED goes
out, automatically changes to the 12V circuit .

¡E When at the time of high load at deterioration of the battery and the
time etc of engine starting low it becomes voltage, it changes to the
12V circuit temporarily and the circuit damage protective function
which again changes to the 16V circuit at the point in time when the
load cancel.

¡E With power source relay attachment the efficiency of VSD-H II 100%




they look and sound rather interesting, and am wondering if they could work on our cars as another way to avoid spark blow out on those that are running high power.

it must be some sort of power invertor which is somehow linked into the charge system!
i may make some more enquiries to see exactly how this bit of kit works, and if it actually does what it claims to do.


Active Member
These look good Bob. It would certainly be interesting if they work.

Would the increase in voltage cause issues for the ecu ?


wouldnt have thought so, as the coil isnt linked directly to the ecu, and would have thought that the voltage increase would be on the switching side of coil.
but cant work out whether this would increase spark at plugs.

im not an electrics boffin so would voltage increase amperage anybody? i would think it does!


Active Member
pulsarboby said:
wouldnt have thought so, as the coil isnt linked directly to the ecu, and would have thought that the voltage increase would be on the switching side of coil.
but cant work out whether this would increase spark at plugs.

im not an electrics boffin so would voltage increase amperage anybody? i would think it does!
Ah, gotcha. So this only effects the ignition system !


youngsyp said:
Ah, gotcha. So this only effects the ignition system !

yep! basically its an msd blaster coil and amplifier all in one, but if what they claim is true then it should be better!


yep you can do that lol
it will turn an 8 pack back to a 6 pack and will also make your hair grow curly at the same time, but it may increase nervous twitches if your that way inclined:lol:


diesel weasel said:
could you wire it up to some sticky pads and gain some muscle definition as you drive ?
Handy if you could, it would be ideal to enhance the "Love Muscle" :lol:


New Member
LOU ROB said:
Handy if you could, it would be ideal to enhance the "Love Muscle" :lol:
we got a mate to stick one of those abdominiser things on his head so the pads were on his temples :shock: even though it clearly said in the instructions not to.:der:..he wasn't amused :lol: