Anyone know this Japanese Racecar Pulsar??

vss irvine

Well-Known Member
John said:
Built to go fast not win beauty contests, not that a R would win one ever :doh:
you can go fast and look good! but just cutting the rear arches off another car and pinning them on a pulsar(over the fuel cap)! ROUGH!


Active Member
All fibreglass probably. The fuel tank is probably a race one, with the entry in the boot or something. Perspex windows as well 8).


New Member
Who gives a shit about how it looks, You lot a bunch of homs or something?! Its a race car, function over form and all that!

So, any info on it? rather than how it looks?!


Radders said:
Who gives a shit about how it looks, You lot a bunch of homs or something?! Its a race car, function over form and all that!

So, any info on it? rather than how it looks?!

good point you dont strip and make a race car, only to take your wife and kid down the shops!!! its there to do a job.. lose weight = faster.. simple..