Anyone had a christmas day family argument / rift


Active Member
Well , ive just been sat down in the living room with quality streets at one side of me and turkey and cramberry sandwiches on the other , happy as larry, anyway i just happen to make a joke with my 19yr old sister just messing around in a festive manor and she smacks me straight in the face, cutting my lip and face :shock: :( :? :roll: :evil: WTF
So all hell has broke out ,my sister has ended up being strangled and had a tv remote smashed over her head which hasnt gone down well with my good old mum :(

Some how its all my fault :roll: :?

Dooie Pop Pop

New Member
marcymarc said:
So all hell has broke out ,my sister has ended up being strangled and had a tv remote smashed over her head which hasnt gone down well with my good old mum :(

Some how its all my fault :roll: :?
:shock: :eek: LMFAO!! :lol: you shouldn' t have used the remote mate....could of broke it :shock:

she' s 19, how old are you? my sister and i used to fight when we were little. she punches too damn hard to fight with now :roll: :oops: :( :lol:
continuing on the Dingle theme my nick-name for her is Lisa Roley (spelt right) :lol: :lol: :lol:


New Member
me and my sister used to fight like fuck when we where younger, i sware no matter what you did it would only make her more angry. and its not like i could just chin her and end it, i had to keep pushing her away and keep my cool. i must of looked like a right pussy. a 5ft nothing girl clawing/punching/headbutting the hell out of a 5"11 bloke!

Dooie Pop Pop

New Member
leon2engines said:
me and my sister used to fight like oh no when we where younger, i sware no matter what you did it would only make her more angry. and its not like i could just chin her and end it, i had to keep pushing her away and keep my cool. i must of looked like a right Subaru. a 5ft nothing girl clawing/punching/headbutting the hell out of a 5"11 bloke!
this would be whilst shopping in asda' s last week yes? :lol:


New Member
Dooie Pop Pop said:
leon2engines said:
me and my sister used to fight like oh no when we where younger, i sware no matter what you did it would only make her more angry. and its not like i could just chin her and end it, i had to keep pushing her away and keep my cool. i must of looked like a right Subaru. a 5ft nothing girl clawing/punching/headbutting the hell out of a 5"11 bloke!
this would be whilst shopping in asda' s last week yes,i saw you while i was in drag shopping for ladyboy accessories? :lol:

Dooie Pop Pop

New Member
leon2engines said:
Dooie Pop Pop said:
leon2engines said:
me and my sister used to fight like oh no when we where younger, i sware no matter what you did it would only make her more angry. and its not like i could just chin her and end it, i had to keep pushing her away and keep my cool. i must of looked like a right Subaru. a 5ft nothing girl clawing/punching/headbutting the hell out of a 5"11 bloke!
this would be whilst shopping in asda' s last week yes,i saw you while i was in drag shopping for ladyboy accessories? :lol:

:D :D :D

Timur 008

lol :lol:

i am the oldest of 4 & when the younger sister cried i got a smack "why is ur sister crying?" WTH? O'well.. lifes a bitch - thank fook i ain't one :p


Had the same prob here. Problem is I got a loder sis and young sis and they just gang up so theres no hope. They have now done self defence classes to as they r both nurses. It doesnt look good. I just give up now.